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Stay local and act global – be a leader of change | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Stay local and act global – be a leader of change

Contribute to fostering a culture of local growth - a more sustainable and solidary society through mutual learning of different actors and sharing best practices of social and political engagement


Who is behind this?

Slađana Lovrić

Moral Diplomat - Association for the Promotion of Quality Life „Moral Diplomat“


Who is joining forces?

Put do Uspjeha (Road to Success)



Idea pitch

Croatia is facing a huge depopulation that is particularly visible in rural areas, and people must to take action to create conditions in the community in which they want to build families, businesses and lives. This change of culture must first and foremost happen in young people who, through the Moral Diplomat platform, would receive the necessary support to realize their needs, regardless of political, sexual, national, age or any other affiliation. Stay local and take part in common vision.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sirač, Bjelovar-Bilogora County, Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The quality of life is much better in small places where people could have the experience of living and sharing space with nature and other people. In times of good interconnectedness, all generations, especially the young, leave rural areas and their parents and grandparents behind, because they feel they cannot grow and prosper with low wages and without proper education and inclusion.
50% of young people in Croatia do not trust the local government and therefore do not vote and participate in socio-political life because they seek their survival in better places, and do not have the resources and interest for civic engagement.
All stakeholders require cohesion and table for dialogue and exchange of best knowledge and practice for better society and Moral Diplomat strives to create it.

Who are you doing it for?

The goal of this project is to reach young people (15-30 years old) and encourage them to be the change they want to see in their community. The ultimate plan is to support all young people, but to start objectively with those who want to initiate action and get in touch with institutional and non-institutional actors, but do not know how and do not have the resources. Sirač must decrease and stop depopulation, and create space for incoming youth that will enable a social and political culture of growth and inclusion along with other generations. Young people will actively work with other generations (middle-aged and elderly) and different stakeholders to discuss all the good opportunities, learn from others, provide knowledge and skills to others, and stay and help build better community.

How do you plan to get there?

The developed methodology of the project for change, led by youth and supported by Moral Diplomat platform:
1. Animation of the youth and other individuals, organisations and institutions, to take part in the roundtables (especially first 5), workshops and the final project
2. Conducting participatory roundtable on in advance prepared topics based on interactions with citizens (11 sessions that last approx. 3 hours). At the 5th roundtable, citizens will vote on final comprehensive project for the end
3. Conducting participatory workshops on themes decided during the roundtable, which will be theoretical and practical exchange among various actors (11 sessions that last approx. 4 hours). This will provide inclusion, cohesion and mutual learnings
4. After 3 months of gatherings,
a. a youth team will proceed suggested possible joint comprehensive projects
b. the special committee will check the eligibility of the projects (are there any law obstacles and are they within a budget)
c. all members of the platform will decide on the 3 best projects during the 4th roundtable
d. a final agreement on campaign and voting day
5. The campaign implemented by youngsters presenting these three projects on available communication channels
6. Voting on the final project at the 5th roundtable
7. The implementation of the winning project
8. Evaluation through the online

What are the expected results?

Results of the entire project;

1. All members of the community will feel encouraged to get in touch with others and start expressing their opinions and needs without fear of conflicts
2. They will feel how important their voice, need and contribution are in the socio-political space
3. They will learn how in dialogue and mutual exchange of knowledge and practice everyone can progress and enrich the community
4. They will learn how important is to participate in decision-making processes and will become more active
5. They will notice how things could change in small steps by involving all the actors
6. Social cohesion and mutual trust will increase
7. They will believe how projects can change their local and impact the global community to become more sustainable and solidary

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

This whole project strengthens active citizenship on several levels because it encourages community members to interact with other people from their community, as well as with institutions, organizations, institutions and other partners from their community and beyond.
Although the emphasis is on the activism of young people who must learn from others about democratic processes and their rights, and teach them in return, this project still involves all people regardless of age, gender, nationality or any other difference, who can learn.
Through the experience of sharing their needs and participating in decision-making processes, all citizens will feel encouraged to participate in local socio-political activities and vote in local and parliamentary elections as active citizens have to do.

Why is this idea important to you?

Slađana Lovrić (30) grew up in this community and left it 12 years ago when decided to go to study and work in the Croatian capital and in other cities around the world. However, she remained in close contact with the youth and all the other stakeholders in Sirač and surroundings, where her family lives. She intends to build a youth club there in the coming years in collaboration with her partners.
Dragica Lovrić is a 51-year-old mother who lives in Sirač and faces the fact that all her 7 children left this area in search of a suitable place to live. She wants to see the changes and pray for the day when her grandchildren will return and enjoy available resources.
Luka Ibrišimović (23) has spent his whole life in Split and wants to move to Sirač if there are conditions for improvement.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Implementation of project:
1. Roundtables (materials, refreshments, venue, etc): 250€ per roundtable*11= 2750€
2. Worshops (-II-): 250€ per workshop*11= 2750€
3. Travel costs for project team= on average 35€ per activity, per consultation with partners, per person=35€*11*4*2= 3080€
4. Advertising and PR= 2600€
5. Office expenses: 150€*12= 1800€
6.Personnel costs: 2 people*22events*397€ = 17468€
7. Implementation of one joint project: 758,67 per month*6= 4552€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We look forward to receiving all positive and encouraging comments, as well as constructive criticism, in order to improve our project and platform, and ultimately expand it.
Our aim is to engage with other organisations and to implement many sustainable and solidary projects in our communities.


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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