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Spreading positive and lasting solutions for human | Civic Europe
Community development

Spreading positive and lasting solutions for human

People are looking for a truth that can only and exclusively be given by spiritual people. Anthroposophical, spiritual science of wisdom or truth decides the future of humanity.


Who is behind this?


Idea pitch

Our goal of this project is to advice positive objective solutions never seen before for better economic-democratic-cultural life and well being for citizens of Slovenia, and after that for whole Europe. It is indeed necessary to enlighten the rulers, about how the objective laws work with casual link = cause -> consequence, and therefore to help to soothe forecoming economic collapse which we can predict it will begin in fall 2020.

Where will your project idea take place?

It will take place in Ilirska Bistrica where Anthroposophical Association was established.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We are entering into the so-called anthroposophical era, but the public knows practically nothing about it, much less is it talked about or is encouraged. Truth is, in a sense, forbidden because it is difficult, but the man is weak today. He can't even place it for himself, let alone for another. The truth needs to be set as soon as possible, namely publicly, with the reason to slowly come to life and to fit into the space.
Progress or change that our project will bring we see in in the awakening of a certain number of people who will confidently approach to positive and lasting solutions and necessary social changes.

Who are you doing it for?

The project idea will address all people, such as residents, citizens, families, newcomers, groups who feel excluded, namely to all receptive public and the representatives of the people in Slovenia and beyond borders.

How do you plan to get there?

With our activity we want to propose solutions on how to expose the truth, because all results come from the truth, such as: more truth, more health, more freedom, more love, more self-study. The truth needs to be set up in public to slowly come to life and fit into space. We are in crisis because there is a lie that goes beyond the critical limit. Namely, a lie creates uncertainty, disturbances, aggression and metaphysical invisible forces, which create internal aggression, metaphysical rage, consequent anarchy and rage in a person. It is necessary to be aware that peace is the truth, and a lie leads to war.

What are the expected results?

We expect that the much needed expertise about positivism and laws, by which society has moved away, could significantly help by maintaining the healthy populations and humankind. With growing population of sick, old and mentally incapable population the human kind is at risk but only healthy population leads to healthy and sovereign nation. As truth encourages the existence of a nationality lie seeks to erase it. We expect that our mission is the given opportunity for expanding the forgotten knowledge about laws of positivism.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project idea is innovative because we can forecast and highlight best solutions for future for local state region, as well for other neighbor countries. With objective forecasts we can solve most problems without any consequences, which is yet unknown to human kind. As highly skilled professionals with experiences on many different subjects such as social, health, and economic happening, we can diagnose the solutions that can be strategically and immediately put in place, for the benefit of all citizens and human kind. Strictly as non political (suprapolitical) group, we work with positive and direct approach with tendency of avoiding any conflicts, reactionism or misleading political engagement. Mental approach is what we stand for.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our project idea has valuable value:
- - to awaken Slovene nationality and thus directly affect neighboring countries
- - to raise the genetics of society and reduce human karma
- - for the positive development of the human race
- - to reduce irregularities in society
- - for greater activity of capable individuals
- - to acquaint the public with the vision or laws of incorrect or abnormal development
- - to raise consciousness.
These are the main points that motivate us to bring the idea to life.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Major expenses (in thousand EUR):
- 15 TEUR personnel costs (lecturers, writers, workshop leaders);
- 1,5 TEUR promotion and public relations;
- 2 TEUR office expenses;
- 5 TEUR professional literature (books, magazines);
- 12 TEUR rental office costs;
- 2 TEUR travel expenses;
- 5 TEUR office equipment (tables, chairs, closets;
- 1,75 TEUR IT equipment (PC, projector, camera)

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any advice or comment will be welcome. We are open to connect with any other people.





Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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