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Spark in your heart | Civic Europe

Spark in your heart


Who is behind this?

Lilia Bartz




Idea pitch

There is an increasing gap between citizens and governing bodies in Hungary. Our citizens must have more direct voice in politics. ICT’s offer ways to make the EU a living democracy. We see Random-Sample Voting (RSV) as a cost-effective tool for polling and voting to foster citizens’ participation. Based upon digital identity (DI) registered at EU level, it promises Hungary citizens easier expression of their will on many specific questions and a closer relationship with their representatives.

Where will your project idea take place?

Budapest - eyerywhere- online

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

E-voting systems at all levels can tie in with the digital identity of the citizen if connected to the identities registers. Multiple identities of each citizen, are based for everybody on one digital registration. This allows active e-participation in political decision-making in local and global politics. The multilevel approach combined with a tool for facilitated voting, like RSV, and based upon one DI so allows for a new kind of democratic experience from the bottom to the top. People learn that their voice can matter, from the local to the European level; they will be more motivated to use these tools for taking ownership in politics that affect their conditions of life.

Who are you doing it for?

everyone - from old to young

How do you plan to get there?

Our first step will be to combine the two to set up our system for e-voting, while we clear issues of safety, law and political acceptance (workshop 1): results presented at a press conference and public discussion at HIIG “Digitaler Salon”. Step two is to plan & organise the field test (workshop 2): establishing contacts to local communities and media, explaining system, p.r. campaigns. Step 3 is the assessment of the outcomes and presentation at a public event with media and civil society. A report on the project will be prepared and published.

What are the expected results?


How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

already mentioned

Why is this idea important to you?


€ 0,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Procivis (DI) and David Chaum (RSV) have committed themselves to provide us the technology for free. On this basis we will need (see Project Financial Plan) for: Office expenses: 6205,- Travel and accommodation costs : 5.000,- Accommodation and subsistence: 1.200,- Events costs (room rental): 2.000,- Public Relations: 3.600,- Unforseen (5% of other material costs): 1.210,- Personal costs: 62.052,-

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?




Idea created on May 26, 2020

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