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Six Box English Learning | Civic Europe
Education and research, Youth participation and empowerment

Six Box English Learning


Who is behind this?

Izabela Nagpal

Fundacja Szkolna


Who is joining forces?

Szkoła Podstawowa w Sidrze



Idea pitch

Equalizing educational opportunities and transfering the knowledge are the main topics in modern Poland. We want to provide friendly, combined, on-line English classes for 12-15 years old Sidra school pupils in 6 areas (boxes): by polish-english teachers, native speakers, conversations with pupils from polish and abroad schools, workshops with foreign adult citizens and english in action. Our idea is to involve youth participants but also well-experienced specialists to develop speaking skills.

Where will your project idea take place?

Warsaw, capital city of Poland and Sidra in Eastern and Northern Poland

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Sidra village there is a possibility to study English just in the school with estimate time 2,5 hrs a week. It is not enough while thinking about future carriers (more than likely though, graduates leave this region) and competing with candidates from well-developed regions. There are barriers influence lack of civic cohesion: technical–network connection, access to new technologies and other resources; economical-family and government budget; infrastructural-no institution to provide additional exercises; social–motivation, no role models or contact with life language, style of living-rural areas and high meaning of agriculture activities. The societal challenge is to activate pupils to diligently participate in English lessons, sharing and transfering this experience with youngers.

Who are you doing it for?

The key target group that we want to reach directly in our project are pupils from Sidra village elementary school, but also other members of the society get benefits. Other local schools and local government receive good knowledge and example of the idea that might be implemented in the future. We can create the long-term cooperation in the region and spread the idea in other villages.

How do you plan to get there?

Step 1. Completing project team – teachers, native speakers, pupils and abroad citizens and schools. Discussing the project - describing aims and timeline, signing cooperation documents.
Step 2. Scheduling teaching plan (scenarios) according to the age of target group and their needs. The plan is to provide minimum 2 hours of combined lessons per week.
Step 3. Meeting with target group to present schedule, discussion about additional needs, remarks. Verifiying scenarios, if required.
Step 4. Preparing materials and others that might be useful and helpful during lessons.
Step 5. Promoting our project in social media.
Step 6. Start the project.

What are the expected results?

We are expecting our target group:

- to be more confident in speaking English
- to be progressively opened for the future opportunities
- to share experience with youngers and to continue English discussion club on their own in any sorf of form
- to inspire other local schools, local authorities and society to repeat projects like this

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project is bridge-building among people because of intense contact between young participants and olders – well–experienced in their work. Knowing English better improve quality of life by making new opportunities for learners and letting them to share the knowledge further. Huge impact might be done for local schools (better exam results), local authorities (motivation to invest) or region (sharing projects like this).

Why is this idea important to you?

Project team is made of Fundacja Szkolna and Sidra school members. We are edu passionates looking for opportunites to share our „know-how”. Fundacja Szkolna is a non-profit fundation and the lead body of Jan Gutenberg’s elementary school and high school in Warsaw, Poland. It has been founded in 90' to provide high quality education. Our partner and the target group is Sidra elementary school located in village on Eastern and Northern Poland. The main goals of our organizations contain kid’s growth, development of potential, support of passions and creativity. The vision is to create the place with solid education background, making the society happy. We've had more than 30 years of experience in education sector, that is why we are highy motivated to reach out to the regions we can develop

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Personnel costs (teachers) 25300 EUR
2. Personnel costs (management) 2000 EUR
3. On-line campaign 200 EUR
4. Cost of English in action (exams costs, travelling and accomodation costs) 7500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would love to know how on-line education looks like in different countries?


Izabela Nagpal

Grzegorz Kaczor

Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 23, 2021

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