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Senior Card Bieszczady | Civic Europe
Community development

Senior Card Bieszczady

social, economic and civic activation of the seniors through media education and discount Senior Card Program.


Who is behind this?

JOanna Zwolińska

MANKO Association



Idea pitch

The project responds to the problem of social, economic and civic exclusion of the seniors in Bieszczady area, resulting from stereotypes that operate in the society. The main goal is to support activation of seniors in these three areas by engaging local actors (municipalities, enterprises and NGOs) in Senior Card program in Bieszczady and give them opportunity to participate in creation of civic media for seniors - Głos Seniora magazine (Senior Voice).

Where will your project idea take place?

12 communes of Bieszczady plus Sanok commune, Podkarpackie Voivodship

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Bieszczady experiences a wide range of barriers, which makes it difficult to fully use its potential, including low population density, continuous population ageing and low engagement of the seniors in local society. The region is one of the poorest in Poland, in terms of own incomes of municipalities, which cannot afford organization of social activation programmes for the seniors, and in terms of incomes of inhabitants.
Problems of target group:
- Low level of participation in local social, economic and public life
- Poverty and financial problems of the elderly and low economical awareness as obstacles for participation in public and cultural life
- Loneliness and being cut off the social,civic and cultural life
- negative image of seniors as inactive, always complaining people

Who are you doing it for?

In 2019 there were 6 580 seniors in Poviat leski, 5 212 in Poviat bieszczadzki and 23 550 in Poviat Sanocki (including Sanok city).
Targets group are:
- 5000 seniors (age 60+) from the region who will receive the senior card
- 30 seniors (approx 15 in each poviat), who will be trained to act as ambassadors of the Senior Card Program and participate in creation of local inserts for the nation-wide Głos Seniora Magazine
- Minimum 50 new enterprises, who will offer discounts for the seniors
- Minimum 5 new municipalities, that will join the Senior Card Program and will receive a Senior-Friendly
- Senior organizations will be engaged to reach the seniors locally.
Project idea is to reinforce cooperation between various actors of the local environment (local authorities, business, NGO

How do you plan to get there?

The following activities and interventions will be organized to achieve the project goals: 1. Issuing and distribution of the local edition of Senior Card Bieszczady – a discount card for seniors – 5000 cards, 2. Organization of 3 conferences for inauguration of the Senior Card Program in 3 Poviats, involving authorities, local media, entrepreneurs and seniors (30 persons each).3. Organization of 3 media trainigs for the seniors (total 30 persons) to prepare them for creation of local inserts for Głos Seniora magazine (3 editions) or establishing own civil media .4. marketing strategy – to reach 50 new entrepreneurs for the program, 5. Media campaign to access target groups: own media: Głos Seniora, web-portal, Głos Seniora TV, local media i.e. (Gazeta Bieszczadzka , Echo Bieszczadów, Kors

What are the expected results?

Planned results:
- 5000 seniors will be able to take advantage of discounts offered by local companies and entities and as the added value also from offer of over 2000 entities in Poland.
- 30 seniors will be empowered to act as local leaders of the Senior Card program and creators of local civil media to support the program and to be a good example of active citizenship and personal life after 60 for other seniors
- Seniors in local community will receive Głos Seniora magazine with insert related to Bieszczady, as a good practice of civic engagement of seniors by creation of local media.
- Raised awareness of local community on the impact of seniors on the local community, by showing examples of active people 60+ and media campaing.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Project goal is to increase by October 2021 participation of the seniors in social, economic and cultural life in Bieszczady region by introducing the Senior Card Program in Bieszczady:
- Issuing, in cooperation with local public authorities, the local edition of Senior Card – a discount card for seniors that entitles to discounts in shops, cultural institutions, restaurants, private health care services etc. participating in the Senior Card Program
- Shaping leadership and media competences among seniors
- Increasing civic participation through engaging seniors in issuing local insert for nation-wide Głos Seniora Magazine.
- Shaping positive image of the old age and raising awareness of the local society on the issue of ageing through Fairs for Seniors

Why is this idea important to you?

Seniors are one of the most vulnerable social groups in Poland. Stereotypes and prejudices about the old age, that function in the society, lead to discrimination and social exclusion of seniors. The fact is that the European society is aging continuously. Seniors play important role in the community and economy, and we need to bring back respect, positive intergenerational relations and good image of old age and to get the best of their life and professional experience. Many older people need support, due to health or financial problems, but many live their lives with enthusiasm and realize passions and can be example to others. This ideas underlies the Głos Seniora magazine, senior card and many other campaigns organized by MANKO

€ 49239,-

Total budget

€ 49239,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. SUBSTANTIVE COSTS - costs related to preparation and launching the Senior Card Program in Bieszczady and media education of seniors including publishing insert for the Głos Seniora magazine - 20 810 EUR
2. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - costs related to office rental, stationary, telephone and internet - 2 286 eur
3. staff/personnel - 15 810 eur
4. promotion and dissemination - 10 333

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?



Joanna Zwolińska

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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