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See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά) | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Civic education, Community development, Cultural a

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

Sustainable growth of local realities, Eurocooperation between non-profit organisations, companies and public institutions. We work for the”margins”, so that they can regain the "Right to beauty".


Who is behind this?

Mirko Marangione

Le cose che vanno International Associazione non profit


Who is joining forces?

Chamber of Commerce of Taranto


The Chamber of Commerce of Taranto public entity will host and co-project the events for free. It is also strategic for relations with local authorities.


Idea pitch

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, visit places of culture and innovative businesses in the area for creative contamination. The events are filmed by a director who will make a film, with real and fiction parts, in order to spread a powerful message of positivity and rebirth. We will build a direct bridge between citizens and the Eu.

Where will your project idea take place?

Province of Taranto, Puglia, south of Italy. Disadvantaged, cultural and production areas.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The main problems of the Taranto area that afflict citizens are due to a territory that has difficulty in evolving because of a heavy industry that since several years has worried both citizens and institutions about the resulting pollution, and for the fear of a lack of alternatives. Despite this difficult framework, the associations in the area are very laborious and represent a key to the rebirth of the area. Several innovative young realities were born both in the non-profit and in the profit sector who need the right international fertile ground to grow and interface with Europe, to feel European. A first step of rebirth is possible thanks to local and international cooperation between non-profit organizations, Companies and public authorities and entities.

Who are you doing it for?

The recipients of this project are local non-profit organizations that operate and develop community-oriented services in the cultural, social, touristic, sport fields. We will pay particular attention to different categories of disadvantaged people, with the aim to build paths of inclusion. Thanks to our direct network of contacts, we are able to involve 40% of young target, including schools and universities, 30% of intermediate target and 30% of adult target, 50% of women and 50% of men. 20% is the target of disadvantaged people that we want to involve. We reach these targets through our direct contact (Sport association, schools, Associations) and through the support of the Taranto Chamber of Commerce public body.

How do you plan to get there?

The participating local associations, which we have reached throughout the territory, set up their stands at the Taranto Chamber of Commerce and present themselves to the visitors. We organize seminars as described above and on the European programming 2021/2027. The local associations show their project ideas to donor bodies, which present their Calls. We organize guided visits to cultural sites and innovative companies to promote creative contamination. We produce a film with both real props and scenes imagined by the Director, with a powerful positive message. The method is to act in "multistakeholders" in order to create interest in participating in each Subject. We support associations to build synergies with European entities.

What are the expected results?

High public reaction. We will have initiated several organisations, including those with disadvantages, towards European themes by building a bridge with Europe in order to develop both the territory and the Europe. We will have promoted the importance of europlanning, innovation and sustainability and the cooperation between no-profit/profit/Public subjects. By the meeting between donor entities and local associations, we will have promoted funding for further projects and relationships which will bear their outcome in the following year. Participants, through guided visits to cultural sites and innovative businesses, will have more awareness of the territory and creative contamination. The film will transform the project into a powerful message of positivity addressed to the world.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

"See You in Agora" promotes direct cooperation between citizens and institutions, providing seminars on the Third sector, Co-programming (art. 55 of the Third sector Code) and the EU for participants. It promotes the financing of new projects in the Third sector by involving public bodies alongside organizations. We build a bridge between Taranto and Europe through intermediate European organizations, through direct tools such as the Citizens app, public and private European calls. Through experts of our network we are able to involve disadvantaged areas and subjects, stimulate partnership between public and private. All elements that strengthen active citizenship and democracy. The public body of the Chamber of Commerce is strategic for our commitment.

Why is this idea important to you?

We believe that the Project can concretely support local realities, generate sustainable growth and European integration through multilateral cooperation in a positive key. We want to bring the community and Authorities together by raising the levels of local democracy. We want to positively affect the civil economy, the culture; stimulate European sentiment. Our goal is to work hard to ensure that the margins of the world regain the "Right to Beauty". "Beauty" means European and world integration, democracy and the rule of law, civic participation, human and citizen rights, animals and the environmental rights, inclusion of disadvantaged people, widespread well-being, trilateral cooperation between non-profit entities / companies / public Authorities for community growth.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Travel costs international and national participants: 4000
2. Accomodation & board international and national participants: 4000
3. Catering, materials, local transport, coffee break, guide, meeting rooms, etc.: 2500
4. Communication, visibility and dissemination (website, ... ) 4000
5. Project management: 4500
6. Organisation events and personnel cost: 10.000
7. Office expenses: 1000
8. Film and fotography production: 20.000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are open to any advice and opinion that enriches both sides. From creative contamination and dialogue, best practices are always born. We do not place any limits on the free opinion of others, therefore any opinion or advice is always welcome.



Silvia Quero




Lavinia DAndria

Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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