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“Schools To Belong To” | Civic Europe
Education and research, Social inclusion

“Schools To Belong To”

Establishment of platforms to facilitate dialogue to create schools which are open, inclusive, help integrate marginalized children and enhance a sense of belonging.


Who is behind this?

Gyorgy Tatar

Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention



Idea pitch

The project aims to prevent segregation in primary schools in a district with historically diverse population where stereotyping and discrimination are ever-present. It attempts to create a common space for dialogue of principals, teachers, parents and NGO’s, municipalities. It establishes conditions for integrated education. It promotes advocacy activities for parents of marginalized children.

Where will your project idea take place?

Budapest, 8th district

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Students learning in segregated schools, and lacking a chance to receive integrative education is a prevalent danger for many students in the 8th district of Budapest. The Roma students and children with special educational needs like children with autism, ADHD dyslexia are the most concerned groups.
In theory, the primary schools are bound by law to accept children with special educational needs, and should not differentiate between children based on their background. In practice, not many schools let these children enroll in their institutions. Instead, they “advice” the parents to take their kids into other schools where a growing proportion of these populations condenses, leading to institutions becoming more and more segregated

Who are you doing it for?

To reverse the process that leads to schools becoming increasingly segregated, change has to be made on both institutional and civic level.
The most influential agents are the principals of the local schools. They are the ones, who can change school policies and enrollment procedures.
In terms of social change, the parents of marginalized and disadvantaged children are just as important. Typically, they have a low level of advocacy. To provide information about their rights, and to empower them to participate in collective action is crucial to achieving change in the local practices and to fight school segregation.

How do you plan to get there?

A1 Kick-off retreat event All principals or their representatives from the state primary schools in the VIII. district Strengthening the relationships and establish connections in order to be able to work together on a joint approach in fighting school segregation
A2 Monthly roundtable meetings with the school principals All principals or their representatives from the state primary schools in the VIII. district
A3 Qualitative and quantitative survey Parents living in the VIII. district whose children are before enrollment/are currently enroll to a school in the district To better understand the needs and problems of parents. Measure the effects of segregated education on their children
A4 Problem-discussion event Parents living in the VIII. district are currently enrolled to a school in the district
A5 Feedback event Principals, parent, local educational NGO experts Provide feedback to every involved party about the results of the survey and problem discussion events. Joint problem solving based on the experience of the parents.

The key aspect of our proposal is to build bridges between key players concerning segregation in the district: the school boards, the educational NGO’s and the parents.

We would like to employ a top-down and bottom-up approach, simultaneously, to ensure the change becomes feasible.

What are the expected results?

Elaboration of an integrative education training program in cooperation with the 8 local schools;
Best practices in education of marginalized children will be available for all teachers in the district.
A dialogue framework for stakeholders will be established.
Integration of children will enhance in primary schools.
Statistical data on the impact of the communication campaign will help to apply the method in other communities
More families choose to enrol children to local schools.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through providing more information for parents about the disadvantages of segregated education and the advantages of integrated education they will be encouraged to speak up and present their interests better.

The dialogue framework between parents and teachers will enable parents to have a better understanding of their possibilities for more effective advocacy, while teachers could provide feedback on their experiences in the benefits of integrated education. That would create a platform for mutual communication.

The local NGO’s would be included in the decision-making processes, and provide quality control of the materials and new practices created by the round table process to achieve the desired effects.

Why is this idea important to you?

There are three person participating in the implementation of the initiative. Each of them has been actively contributing to the ongoing project aimed at community-building in the VIII. district to prevent polarization and discrimination.

Gyorgy Tatar has long-year experience in advocacy, awareness-raising and build-up of capabilities and capacities of multi-stakeholder dialogue and prevention of polarization and radicalization.

David Ferenczy is a social psychologist, who had been involved in other projects that were also focusing on the fight against school segregation in the district. Has experience in advocacy-building in roma communities. Dedicated to fighting every form of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.

Krisztina Papp She is a psychologist, and she

€ 32500,-

Total budget

€ 32500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel: 23.400 Euro
Travel: 150 Euro
Accom&subs: 4050 Euro
Service&honoria: 4000 Euro
Room rental and equipment: 950 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We needed some best practices in the field of engaging in dialogue with marginalized people and developing integrated education.


Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention

Idea created on April 26, 2021

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