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Sardinia green route to EU | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Sardinia green route to EU

Creating a “Green” Sardinia, thanks to young people, the territory and active citizenship.


Who is behind this?

Ahmed Naciri

Legambiente Cagliari APS


Who is joining forces?

GAL Distretto Rurale Barbagia Mandrolisai Gennargentu


GAL Sulcis Iglesiente e Campidano di Cagliari




All the project’s partnership can be seen by entering the following link


Idea pitch

Sardinia is rich in history and traditions but affected by big socio-economic issues. The fate of citizens, children and young, is often decided in political centers far from rural realities: the community’s voices, not trained in structured dialogue, are ignored. Our aim is to strengthen civic engagement in 70 municipalities involved in the project, carrying a positive, green and civil message to the communities, through educational actions on the values, policies and opportunities given by EU.

Where will your project idea take place?

It will take place in 70 cities and remote villages in Sardinia Region, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The main challenge that the project aims to tackle is to increase citizens’ knowledge about the European Union, its institutions and values. In order to reach this goal there will be the creation of information events aimed at sharing general notions about the EU and others more specific, concerning programs and opportunity offered to the citizens, with a focus on the Environment. The ultimate challenge thus to be achieved will be the starting of actions that will lead to the creation of new promotional projects and territorial development. Every action will be aimed at raising a feeling of european citizenship, improving social cohesion and the participation of individuals in collective life.

Who are you doing it for?

The creation of a partnership network encompassing 70 sardinian municipalities will trigger important connections between the different territories. In particular, in each municipality visited, a communication channel will be activated with the local administrations, with schools of all levels and with the Associations and citizens committees and other stakeholders operating in the area. The goal is to reach different targets, especially students, NEETs, migrants, retirees and unemployed people, young and old. The project aims to create moments of encounter and information particularly in favor of disadvantaged groups, in order to enhance social inclusion and cohesion.

How do you plan to get there?

The project will follow the subsequent action plan that will last for 12 months.
The project includes a kick-off meeting.
Then the plan is divided into 2 key moments:
1°moment: training of the operators of the project.
Our partner “Evolvere” will organize the training course whose objectives are the learning of European institutions.
2°moment: renting of the camper and territorial animation.
Territorial animation unfolds in 3 points:
1: Elaboration of the local animation modules
2: the route between the 70 municipalities involved in the project.
3. in schools, students will participate in a thematic contest.
The activities carried on in each municipality will last for one day.
The project’s operators will have the task to inform the local population about the european policies concerning environmental issues in relation to active citizenship; to inform about economical opportunities offered by the EU every year for local realities.
The partners committed to host us will support the operators with the exhibitions of local project experiences, highlighting the good practices deriving from the use of european funding, especially in their articulation of structural funds.
Within these activities there will be place for projects from the Region Sardinia and the 2030 ONU Agenda.
The project will close with a final meeting with all the partners.

What are the expected results?

The project’s expected results are the following: 1) a better understanding of the european institutions and their functioning for the citizens; 2) the creation of a network of public and private partners, extended and widespread throughout the region; 3) the identification of the common problems felt by the partners and the involved areas; 4) the creation of a system of problem solving; 5) the creation of good practices; 6) a greater active participation of citizens in the life of the local community and in European community life; 7) the creation of a team of young people to help the regional community to develop civic sense; 8) the involvement of schools and young students through a dedicated contest.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will help community members to be more actively involved in the social and political matters of their community, and to improve the quality of their participation in the decisional process, improving their knowledge of the communication channels and active participation at a regional, national and european level. The project also aims to raise awareness towards some important figures for the protection of citizens such as the European Mediator. The partnership network will be decisive in spreading knowledge about the Institutions and getting Europe closer to the territories. In this way we want to strengthen active citizenship processes that will lead to a bigger commitment and social and political participation both at a local and community level.

Why is this idea important to you?

Sardinia Green Route to EU is a project created in collaborations with a number of different public and private realities operating in Sardinia, connecting a network of more than 70 municipalities. The initiative is carried on by a group of young people whose goal is to get Europe closer to the citizens, through a tour of informative events that will take place in different sardinian municipalities, all along the island, connecting distant territories. Our hope, shared with all the partners, is to activate in the whole region informative desks on the EU, on its policies and financial programs. A particular focus is placed on the Environment, as this is the main mission of Legambiente Cagliari.

€ 63000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses and coordination: 15.900 €
Staff: 15.300 €
Rental, travel and accommodation: 10.300 €
External training services: 15.750 €
Social campaign: 3.250 €
Students’ competition: 2.500 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All the feedback and advice are welcome!
Stay up to date on all the news and our project’s activities on the facebook page


Legambiente Cagliari

Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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