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Roots & Shoots Slovakia | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

Roots & Shoots Slovakia


Who is behind this?

Matúš Stračiak

Green Foundation



Idea pitch

Roots & Shoots Slovakia is a project which is oriented on innovating and redefining current environmental education of secondary schools students in Slovak Republic, aiming to develop the currently missing concept of community learning and redefine the object of education from traditional ecology to more broader concept of education for sustainable development which will be able to address on a local level the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the UN 2030 Agenda.

Where will your project idea take place?

Selected Slovak regions - Banská Bystrica, Košice, Prešov, Nitra

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Currently, the environmental education in Slovakia in all levels represents more or less gaining theoretical knowledge about the importance of ecology and ecological behavior.
There is completely or partially missing:
a) the concept of active involvement of students in area of solving environmental and societal problems on a local (community) level,
b) the broader perspective on how to address problems of sustainable development, which goes far beyond the scope of traditional ecology.

Who are you doing it for?

The direct beneficiaries during the realization of our project are mainly teachers and secondary students and schools. Indirect beneficiaries will be local communities and municipalities.
But the ultimate goal of our project is to create a systematic change in the Slovak educational system in a form, where the relevant public authorities, will implement on the national level an innovative educational program introducing into current environmental education the principles of community service learning and education for sustainable development. This ultimate goal of our project will help to max numbers of above mentioned project’s beneficiaries.

How do you plan to get there?

The estimated project duration is 24 months and its main activities will be realized as following:
1) Creation and testing of the new program of continuing education - certified course for teachers in the field of education for sustainable development (August 2020 - January 2021)
2) Year long methodological support of 10 new participating schools from middle and eastern Slovakia - consultations for pedagogues, workshops for students, technical projects assistance (September 2020 - June 2021)
3) Organization of a National Students Conference - presentation of students community projects and awarding (May/June 2021)

What are the expected results?

- New educational course for teachers in the field of ESD (set of educational activities y workshops + study materials)
- 20 educated teachers participating on the testing phase of course piloting
- 200 of educated pupils through a year long participation at the program Roots & Shoots (methodological support at the school)
- 10 community projects realised by students with a local public, institutional and companies support
- 1 National Students Conference with 150 participants

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We believe that implementing the principles of community service learning will improve students’ competences for sustainable development, action and civic competences, which will lead to creating new generations of democratic thinking young people, who are able to effectively face and solve problems in their own communities. Environmental education based on principles of a community service learning would enable greater involvement of local municipalities and the broader public, which will help to develop a healthier environment for further development of the democratic society. Furthermore an active participation on „res publicae“, together with other involved stakeholders (like municipalities, private companies, NGOs) leads young people to a greater level of individual responsibility.

Why is this idea important to you?

The Foundation has chosen the Roots & Shoots program mainly because of the unique service – learning approach, that can make a significant contribution into Slovak educational system and bring necessary innovation in the field of formal or non formal Environmental Education at the schools. We provide for schools also different methodology training, seminars, workshops, conferences in the field of environmental education, climate education or education for sustainable development. The most important thing for us is specific result of our effort.

€ 115000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs – 75 000 EUR
Office expenses – 5 000 EUR
Educational activities – 10 000 EUR
Materials – 1 500 EUR
Travel & accommodation – 1 500 EUR
Public relations – 2 000 EUR
Other expenses – 20 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Feedback on our activities, some tips and inspirations for improvement.
All the help you would kindly provide is very welcome.



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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