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Romanian Film Evenings (Serile Filmului Românesc) | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities

Romanian Film Evenings (Serile Filmului Românesc)

We transform the capital of Moldova into a pole of Romanian cinema. Within the Sections of the festival, every year films from different periods of Romanian cinema are presented, as well as new films.


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?

Association of Student Journalists from Iași



Idea pitch

The concept of the idea involves the broadcasting of Romanian productions, with the invitation of actors, directors, screenwriters and film critics during the screening. Dialogue and meeting with the public is an opening of cinema.
We want to attract the public as much as possible to the cinema, to initiate them in discussions with guests, in debates. We address all categories as we bring children's films, short films, new films, but also those that appeared before 2000.

Where will your project idea take place?

Iași, România

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We will address all categories of people, but we want, first of all, to reopen the desire of people to see movies and to promote Romanian ones. The appearance of foreign films and series has led to a decrease in people's desire to watch Romanian films, so it is important to bring them back to life and reopen their desire to watch them. In addition to the films in the program, we offer the public special events, including exhibitions, meetings with actors, film lessons, show-reading, to motivate them and involve them as much as possible in the activities we organize for them. We cannot remain indifferent to the reluctance of the Romanian public regarding the Romanian cinematography.

Who are you doing it for?

The wide range of film productions and related events make this festival organized by us to be easily accessed by all age groups. Out of the desire to attract as many people as possible to the big screen, without setting boundaries, the structure of the festival would be grouped into sections to be accessed by different types of people. The target group consists of people passionate about cinema and art, with age categories between 4-14 years, 15-18 (students), 19-24 (students), 25-34 (secondary / higher education, within the work, interested in film, cultural events), 35-44, 45-54 (secondary, higher education).

How do you plan to get there?

Development stages:
-establishing the special guest, selecting film productions, contacting various public institutions, meetings with potential sponsors, developing the structure of the festival
-establishing the guests from the festival, contacting them, finalizing the program, promoting the festival in the national press and on social networks, elaborating the general strategy
-rolling volunteers, engaging volunteers in the team, establishing tasks in each department (Logistics, Guests, PR), signing contracts with various partners and sponsors, establishing the press conference
-conducting the film festival in Iasi.
The work we do to set up this festival is related to the three departments within the festival, the involvement of volunteers and sponsors.

Events we organize: photographic exhibition at the Athenaeum in Iași, short film competition on the theme "My Iași", awarding awards of excellence to actors, Gala "In Memoriam" to commemorate actors who are no more.

What are the expected results?

Iasi is a city with great creative potential. Through our project we want to see that we have contributed to its capitalization, involving other NGOs, young people specialized in Communication and PR, young people passionate about cinema, beginners in film. Through the "Romanian Film Evenings" festival and the partners we hire in carrying out the project, we want Romanian cinema to be promoted internationally, in the press and through the participants we have. The main goal we have is to change the attitude of the Iași public towards the Romanian film and to increase the number of those who want to go to a film in a cinema, to see in the end that their spirit and desire to do something on this plane is much greater.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Each event organized by us ends with a debate and a discussion in which the public is always involved. Thus, their voice, their opinions are heard. In the documentary section, when issues are often discussed, participants can interact with the guest or special guests just to talk more about certain issues we encounter in society. The involvement of young people in this project makes their voices heard, and the promotion of films that show the fight against a harmful system, requires the involvement of the civic spirit of the citizens.

Why is this idea important to you?

Andrei Giurgia: journalist with over eleven years of experience in organizing events, coordinating and implementing projects. Skills: implementation and coordination of cultural projects, presentation of events, copywriting media, radio and TV. Corina Giurgia: PR coordinator, she was a reporter, editor and producer of the show. Bogdan Pitaru: accountant, human resources inspector. Bianca Barhan: assistant PR. Lavinia Molociniuc: PR coordinator. Andreea Ciobanu: PR assistant. Diana Mihalaș: Guests Department. Diana Penciuc: Guests Department. Claudiu Mihail: Guests Department. Andrei Luca: photographer. Diana Nechita: assistant Logistics. Radu Ciobanu: Technical Department.

€ 48000,-

Total budget

€ 25000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

2900 EUR- Expenses for accomodation
3990 EUR- Expenses for transport for guests
3650 EUR- Expenses for printing, spot production, advertising
170 EUR- Expenses related to the transport of films, transport of equipment
800 EUR-Expenses for the purchase and printing of promotional items
4800 EUR-Fees for intellectual property rights
22100- Expenses with fees and remuneration
5321- Expenses for equipment and rental costs
3683- Expenses on the acquisition of film broadcasting rights

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive advice on how to attract more young people to culture, film art and we would like to read more about volunteering and involvement in civil society.


Asociația ARTIS


Andrei Giurgia

Idea created on March 19, 2021
Last edit on April 19, 2021

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