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Roma Women - Wonder Women | Civic Europe
Community development, Human rights

Roma Women - Wonder Women

In our opinion, Roma women can also be wonder women. After all, we have the same rights as non-Roma women. Unfortunately, Hungarian society has a different view of this and excludes these women.


Who is behind this?

Zsanett Bitó-Balogh

Somnakuno Drom Roma Női Civil Egyesület


Who is joining forces?


Idea pitch

In implementing our idea, we would like to make the Roma women involved feel confident, believe and trust themselves, both in their families and in society. And we will provide you with all the tools you need during this one-year application period.

Where will your project idea take place?

Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Nagykálló

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There are many challenges that we could address, but based on our latest survey, we believe that we should support Roma women. In this isolated environment, and in this life interspersed with social injustices, Roma women have a particularly difficult task. Unfortunately, because of culture, they play an oppressed role in the family, and they do not receive any empathy from mainstream society.
They cannot work in local infrastructure because they are Roma.
They don't listen to them at their children's schools because they're Roma.
They cannot wear traditional clothing because it is Roma and not Hungarian
They are not allowed to speak Roma language
They can't, they don't dare leave an abusive relationship.

Who are you doing it for?

-15 Roma women: These women are aged 18-35 and have large families. Their choice was influenced by family circumstances, learning needs and the fact that they can reach several generations. We already know these women well, they have volunteered in many of our joint projects. We believe that this is the first step of a process, the foundation stone of which we will lay with these 15 women. 10 Roma women from Nagykálló and 5 Roma women from Miskolc.
-Location city management
-Roma communities in the country
-The majority society in Hungary
-Media interfaces
-Hungarian State

How do you plan to get there?

Firstly, we would like to forge a strong and cohesive team of these 15 Roma women, a group that is self-help and that can respond to societal challenges in the future. That's why we'd be organizing community programs for them.
We want to give them space and opportunity to do so, and with training they can give them tools that can be a "weapon in their hands" so that they can make their voices heard and express their opinions, even on media platforms.
In addition, we would like to provide them with legal training so that they understand what they have and do not have the right to do. To be brave, and they know that when they are sent out of the local store because of their clothes, they have no right to do so by sellers, cashiers, or that they have the right and opportunity to leave an abusive relationship.
After the legal training, we want a series of trainings that will teach them to spell it correctly and become able to negotiat with the local city administration when it comes to it. After all, it is unfair that they cannot work in the local kindergarten with a proper education, even because they are Roma.
Finally, we want a petition, even a national one, demanding that Roma women be more aerated by the Hungarian state throughout the country.

What are the expected results?

A strong Roma women's group would develop and organise, the likes of which have never been seen in Hungary. They would stand up for themselves and for other oppressed groups, gain recognition and work at the local level, and become opinion leaders who will be listened to by the country. Our vision is that this can be a "good practice" for us and others. In a strong constitutional state, women have rights, and this is also true for Roma women. We know that if we are successful, our work can be an example for others to follow and apply in their own communities. Here we would focus on a joint work, a new relationship.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our organization has always been a believer in settlement-type work. We are in constant contact with the locals. This is also noteworthy because the information flooding is undisturbed and even. We would hold training courses where we could provide the right knowledge for the members of the community. In this way, they will be fully independent and able to assess the injustices they face and, at the same time, take steps to achieve their change. Based on our surveys, we prefer legal, communication, reasoning, IT, training.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our motivation is that we are of Roma origin and we are well aware of the needs, the problems of the community and the grievances that these people are experiencing, because we have also experienced everything that is related to it.
We are Roma people who have been fighting oppression, against racism for years, and we are constantly fighting to be accepted.
We have organised several demonstrations, petitions, and we have petitioned nationally to get COVID-19 medicine free in Hungary, because we have seen that people in our environment, like us, have not been able to buy it for themselves, and as a result they have been hospitalized.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 34000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

15000 EURO- Other Expenses- (travel, equipment, internet, website, facebook ads, accommodation)
5000 EURO- Purchase of communication equipment (laptop, tablet for the target group)
10000 EURO - Personnel costs
5000 EURO- Making a short film about the project

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to have an honest opinion and questions about the project, and we know that this is a closed world, so we are also looking forward to cultural issues. 😊



Idea created on April 21, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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