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"Ro-mama's civic drops" | Civic Europe
Education and research, Social inclusion, women emancipation

"Ro-mama's civic drops" shortlist

Fostering in civic education through literature and social inclusion of Roma mothers starting from strengthening their parental role and their involvement in the reduction of school drop-out.


Who is behind this?


Idea pitch

Could literature break the ghettos? Could literature contribute to the formation of active citizens? Through interactive literary discussions, we aim to raise the awareness of young Roma women on social issues that concern them and on concepts of active citizenship in a digital era.

Where will your project idea take place?

Dendropotamos, Thessaloniki

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The specific social challenge that we aim to tackle is the often non-existent participation of Roma women in civic life especially after they get married at a young age and at the same time the high rates of school drop out as a reason and effect of nonactive citizenship. Many Roma women once they get married they follow a traditional way of living, which follows stereotypes and anachronistic perceptions. Young mothers are supposed to stay at home and raise their kids, having basically the role of the nurturer of the family. Citizenship and participation in civic life is an unknown and unfamiliar field. We want them to understand that being a woman, being a mother also means that they are citizens with rights. They can change their lives, they can also change their children’s lives.

Who are you doing it for?

For the Roma community as a whole, starting with empowering 30 Roma women and especially young mothers aged 18-45, who live in Dendropotamos. The project targets women with basic skills of writing and reading.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Gathering and information about the purpose of the project.
2. Use of legible literary texts with socio-political content in order to become familiar with related issues. For women facing difficulties in reading, audiobooks will be available.
3. Looking for more information about the actions/ measures taken by the municipality and other local bodies on various social problems as well as the ways of civic participation. Expression of their opinion about socio-political issues by using digital media and exchanging emails.
4.In order to do this, they will get trained on basic digital skills. It should be mentioned that most of them have internet access so we would like them to learn how to search useful information for them and their families.
5. 30 women in two groups and will have to nominate a representative for each group. In this way, they will learn the process of nomination, the fair participation of all in the electoral process. After the elections of the two groups, the issue of student early dropout will be raised for discussion and resolution.
6. Teams will be asked to cooperate with the schools and their children in order to discuss the problem and suggest solutions.
7. Each group will present a proposal to local elementary and high school.

What are the expected results?

Empowerment and enhancement of women's self-esteem, strengthening parental role, breaking down stereotypes, civic education, improving teacher-parent relationships, recognition of the value of literacy, adoption of a reading habit, development of critical thinking, increasing the participation of parents and children in actions, expanding thoughts through an exchange of views, cooperation between parents-children and parents-teachers to improve child-teacher cooperation, development of sociability and socialization.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We aim to raise awareness on social issues and to encourage Roma women to take action. Now those women act like they are not citizens of the world. We want them to know that the community cares about them by giving them the chance not only to learn human rights but to participate in a community matter and try to find a solution for a problem they deal with daily. School drop out is an everyday issue in Dendropotamos but unfortunately, it is not considered a problem as education is not a goal a Roma woman often has in her life. The methodology of interactive literary discussions and the acquaintance with literature can serve as a fertile ground for interactive communication and recognition of the value of education with the aim of always forming active citizens.

Why is this idea important to you?

Georgia Kalpazidou is a Roma woman, mother of an 11 year-old boy, who lives in Dendropotamos. She is a linguist and founder of REVMA.
Paraskevi Kamberi is a young mother and agricultural student, certified Roma mediator by ROMED.
Eleni Kalpazidou is a Roma woman.She is 26 years old, married, has studied economics and is a co-founder of REVMA.
Xristina Kokkoni is a cultural Roma mediator certified by ROMED and she works in the program JUSTROM of CoE.
Eirini Rapou is a teacher who works as a Roma mediator in a community center for Roma in Florina, West Macedonia.

€ 30800,-

Total budget

€ 30800,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff costs - 21,000
Office costs (rent, electricity, internet, accountant) - 5,000
Travel, accommodation expenses - 2,000
Stationery -1,000
Contact- Advertising 1,000
Coffee and food for trainers / trainees- 480


Georgia REVMA

Idea created on April 25, 2021

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