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Communities Movement in Ttransition ❀️ πŸ‘‘ | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Youth participation and empowerment

Communities Movement in Ttransition ❀️ πŸ‘‘

Development of a YOUTH GEN/ GREEN EU NETWORK/ for: Community student permaculture gardens and mutual exchange : City-village/ Young people - pensioners.


Who is behind this?

Emiliya Voleva

Piece & Happiness Founation/ PHF/


Who is joining forces?

National Representation of Student Councils BG/ NRSC /




Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED)


Our other foreign partners, who will assist us are from: 1. Poland 2. The Czech Republic 3. Cyprus 4. Netherlands, 5. Romania, presented on our site .


Idea pitch

Ours innovative project has been collaboratively designed to create prerequisites for syste matic-change collaboration, between local authorities and transition initiatives. We all see many examples of engaged, but not connected communities working for positive change, who feel unsupported by local government. We will create a clear framework for how young people- represented by: groups, universities and community centers, together with municipalities, create a sustainable change together inGEN

Where will your project idea take place?

Bulgaria and 2 other European countries - pilot . With subsequent spread in Europe .

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We see many municipalities with positive goals and a determination to act and build genuinely collaborative relationships with local citizens. In growing more communities and municipalities are experimenting with transition inspired approaches and tools to help them to move beyond the current paradigm. They align around a strong place based vision and collaborate to create a sustainable change. The network, derived from the 8 Hubs group, in partnership with the NPSS BG, will provide a clear framework on how communities in transition and municipalities can create sustainable change together. The movement will reflect the existing experience of effective and systematic cooperation between local authorities and global transition initiatives.

Who are you doing it for?

1.Youth GEN- We want to create conditions in universities for community permaculture gardens, that will provide clean food and useful natural environment for students. 2. By overcoming challenges together, we also want to connect the conditions of the big cities with those of the villages, which will offer opportunities for exchange of help and culture between young people and pensioners. 3.We plan to create a youth Euro center in Bulgaria, near Sofia in the village of Alino, Palakaria area , who will have a sacred community garden and camping options for events.4. Responding to global issues and acting locally, we will introduce an effective training program with a Guide for Sustainability Facilitators and Guides for Alternative Tourism.5. Workshops for visit exchange with partners.

How do you plan to get there?

The main activities as a result of the consolidated actions are: 1. Continuation of the existing strategy together with Municipalities for regional development-Popularization of the idea through our partners 2. Establishment of a voluntary association of: partners, municipalities, community centers, business 3. Implementation of a network of the of youth communities gardens and and creating a large youth center in the village of Alino, Palakaria area, with bringing together the eco-community with common action plan. 4. Visual popularization: web of Green Network, info materials, social publications, national TV. 5.Realization of a network of Students Communities gardens 6. Establishment of a Youth Network for mutual assistance "Cities - villages" and "Students help elderly people" 7. Informing and educating local communities and citizens. 8.Оnline training for facilitators on sustainable and personal development, also for guides to alternative tourism - for young people, who do not study or work. 8.We will spread our idea among our other 5 foreign partners with Green Hubs and with the (ESU),GEN /Global Ecovillage Network/ ,Ecolise ,of which we are members, so we will unite other countries in Europe.9. We will exchange experiences online and in person with our euro partners, with mutual visits.

What are the expected results?

The expected result of the project will be:the creation of a comprehensive action strategy, uniting all participants in the of the youth community mainly in Bulgaria, Spain and Greece, as a pilot model and widespread in other European countries. With our project we will unite the different directions of the communities with the municipalities and we will contribute in a democratic way to the implementation of a successful youth alternative,solving the issues of unemployment, the social distance of the elderly, including maintaining a healthy food system in the new climatic and pandemic conditions, by creating a common space with common goals and strengthening civic engagement.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We will implement the program together with local stakeholders (municipalities, ministries, community centers, government institutions, business environment, UNIVERSITIES, existing cooperatives and entrepreneurs. The PROJECT will be integrated for implementation in the development plans of the municipalities .The first line is the trend that the elderly in towns and villages provide opportunities for young people: with hospitality and support for their development, where young people can share their knowledge and skills. The second line is the need for clean food and environment, for this purpose - University gardens are the ideal places.

Why is this idea important to you?

With our large-scale supranational project we help to: better understand the role and contribution of communities, identify and share stories and good practices, build capacity and develop new tools to support "Communities action for the future", contribute to developing and improving policy at all levels. It is important for us to use the oportunities and contribute to a better and sustainable life, because we can and want to help to those in need and young people to be a good example in the new reality,by building a constructive dialogue at all levels and in a wide field of action. Our team of specialists and members of the public has extensive experience and representation, as evidenced by our sites.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Management, Organization, Mentorship, personnel costs - 9 EUR,Office expenses-2 EUR, Forum in the NSD- 1 EUR, 4.Development online training program, 2 Manuals- 3 EUR, Transport costs- 2 EUR,Communication, Public Relations, web design-1 EUR, Plot in Alino/ Buying -rent/- 12 EUR,Watering, tents, green house, piping, wood work- 3 000 EUR, Seeds, raised beds, equipment - 1 EUR. Water/el.costs - 1 EUR.Own contribution: Mutual visits between the partners: 5 EUR + 5 EUR additional.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

What do you think about our project? What feelings does it evoke?
Would you give us advice on the success of the project?
Could you give us constructive opinions that will help us improve our project?
Thank you for the opportunity to apply! Good luck to all !


Peace and Happiness Foundation

Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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