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Revival Traditions ❤️ 👑 | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Revival Traditions ❤️ 👑

Revived "Sofia Holy Mountain"/SHM/ & Restoration Historical Route: Kings Complex "Tsari Mali Grad"/TMG/ & Food Сooperative.


Who is behind this?

Emiliya Voleva

Peace and Happiness Foundation /PHF/


Who is joining forces?

Museum historical complex "Tsari Mali Grad"TMG/ Kings Area/


Association of Sofia Folk Chitalishte ASFC" Iskrata"


HranKoop /FoodKoop/


We have good partnerships with these popular associations in Bulgaria.


Idea pitch

Our project is focused to the use of Cultural Heritage and Natural Resources in Continuing Traditions. Our goal is to make a connection between the capital, small towns and villages,to strengthen rural and cultural identity by using traditional skills. The urban model in this area isolates rural mountainous areas and the difficulties of their survival invite us to appropriate actions involving young people and families in programs for crafts, exchange, creativity, agriculture and recreation.

Where will your project idea take place?

Focus is SHM, located in 3 regions in Southwestern BG. The goal is the whole of Bulgaria.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Communities dependent on local government are in economic crisis and social exclusion, with low participation in the processes. The urban trend is marginalizing rural areas facing trials, emigration and an ageing population, with poor roads and insufficient transport. The rich heritage is not used enough: 3 national parks, 87 reserves, many mineral springs, 120 monuments, incl. 40 monasteries /one in UNESCO/, traditions in UNESCO: cultural centers, roses, crafts and folklore. According to our experience in the region, the cultural heritage and the cooperation spirit are disappearing and are needed urgent action, resources and commitment of civil society, the state and young people. Local rural production is unrelated and underestimated to cities and food cooperatives.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group, which is directly included is Sofia - district: 18 cities and 260 villages, with 250 thousand inhabitants, -25% natural growth, 57% aging. In most of the mountain and small villages no access to sewerage and central heating. The target groups indirectly affected are: Sofia municipality-capital, 3 cities and 34 urban-type villages: 1,500 thousand population and the neighboring regional center: 133 thousand. All of them constitute SHM: 9,500 sq. m. By implementing development tools, will bring together the work and interest of different categories of target groups to implement the best solutions for promotion, capitalization and protection, in continuation strategy of Sofia Municipality for development of the region for its future and prosperity.

How do you plan to get there?

The main activities as a result of the consolidated actions so far are: 1. Continuation of the existing strategy together with Sofia Municipality for regional development-Popularization of the idea through Sofia Municipality and our partners 2. Establishment of a voluntary association of: partners, municipalities, community centers, business, Ministry of Culture 3. Establishment of the Community Garden , bringing together the eco-community with common action plan. 4. Visual popularization: web of SHM and Green Network, mobile application, info materials, social publications, 3 national TV. 5. Construction of facilities - geo dome, preparation of a community center for Museum of SHM, formation of a craft visitor center in the Complex TMG, providing transport for the thematic route.

What are the expected results?

The expected result of the project will be the creation of a comprehensive action strategy, uniting all community participants in the region.Through local and national partnerships, we will implement the strategy with related projects to promote and capitalize on the rich heritage,developing local products and services, informing and educating local communities and citizens,their active involvement is in the implementation of the action plan. We will implement the program together with local stakeholders (authorities, NGOs, community centers, Sofia Holy Metropolis, institutions, business environment, local producers, existing cooperatives and entrepreneurs. It will be integrated for implementation in the development plans of the municipalities in the two regional centers.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

As a result of our work of 2012 years in the area, with our project we will unite the different directions of the community with the municipalities and we will contribute in a democratic way to the implementation of a successful alternative, solving on unemployment, depopulation and the wider future impact, incl. maintaining a healthy food system in the new climatic and pandemic conditions, through: Overcoming rural polarization and isolation, by creating a common space with common goals and strengthening civic engagement. We will unite in the common goal for the sustainable development of the community, managed by from three regional centers, which the SHM includes.

Why is this idea important to you?

Palacria was the ancient great rich commercial center, with ore mining of gold and iron, known for fertile land, mineral and living water. Here is located the oldest monastery "St. Spas" in all of Bulgaria . The fortress Complex TMG is close to 2 ancient trade routes - On Silk, to Rome. "Chitalishte" are cultural centers in which older members of society pass on their knowledge and skills to younger ones, a phenomenon on the UNESCO list.The two cultural centers are associated with UNESCO folklore: "Bistrica Grandmothers" and "Mystery of Bg voices" and our projects at Sofia Municipality are with them. In Bulgaria there are beautiful monasteries, which are historical and spiritual centers, that have preserved the nation and now is the time to turn them into active and attractive museums.

€ 77700,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office 2000EUR,Personnel 7000EUR,Management 10000 EUR,Public relations 2000 EUR, Organization 2000EUR, Transport 7000EUR,Rent, equipment: 5000 EUR,Instructors, volunteers 5000 EUR, Materials 2000 EUR, Program rural houses 2000 EUR, Visibility activities 1000EU,Events 5000 EUR, Self-financing: dome,Garden 16000 EUR,Mobile application, Green Network 1700 EUR, SHM Museum 10,000 EUR from the Ministry of Culture.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

What do you think about our project? What feelings does it evoke? Would you give us advice on the success of the project? Could you give us constructive opinions that will help us improve our project? Thank you for the opportunity to apply! Good luck to all !


Peace and Happiness Foundation

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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