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Return to city of Eden | Civic Europe
Community development

Return to city of Eden

Exploration of nature's heroic act to save humanity and its way to change life and build a new and healthy society throughout pandemic reality.


Who is behind this?

Katarzyna Richardson

Fundacja Pożywienie Darem Serca



Idea pitch

The garden - a human invention that meets nature at her threshold - provides sustenance of literal, aesthetic, spiritual and even metaphorical value. The roots of the garden reach deeper into human’s psyche. It gives an opportunity to get back to experiences that have value. It also builds bridges between generations and open hearts to loving one another with kindness and care. It gives humanity the opportunity to be able to stand on its feet again with a healthy body and mind.

Where will your project idea take place?

The City of Warsaw

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Society is created by generations and each generation has a unique historical context. It creates an outline of a collective attitude. It takes into account the attitude to work, the hierarchy of values, the description of the generation in the family structure, and roles in society. Emotional needs create openness to intergenerational common points.These are the basis for mutual understanding and then for joint action. By doing something together, people begin to feel unity, there is mutual kindness that makes it possible to act together. Gardens are such a space for co-existence and activity.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group will be mainly seniors, but also all other social groups in need of support and recovery. Joint gardening work is a chance for rehabilitation. Being together is just as important as the joy of the harvest. People who are "after the transition", coming out of homelessness or any other person - a citizen in need, becoming the caretakers of the common garden, return to balance and find the meaning of life.

How do you plan to get there?

The action plan: 1. Choosing the location of the garden and then agrees with local authorities all the arrangements towards such undertaking. It has to be close cooperation with the City of Warsaw and the mayor of Warsaw. 2. The Godfathers of the project (Warsaw Botanic Garden and The Institute of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources) would support the choice of plants and suggest the best option for the design. 3. To plant seeds and buy plants a professional gardening firm would be involved. 4. Implementation. 5. Execution.

What are the expected results?

The aim of the project is to build mutual openness of various social groups with simultaneous involvement in joint action. The change which appears after the completion of this project will be on several levels. 1. The community participating in the project will take care of the natural environment. 2. There will be gardens with plants (appropriately selected depending on the needs of a given unit). 3. Joint action eliminates hostility and mutual kindness will build future openness to another person and a different point of view. 4. Contact with nature will teach patience and heal the psyche. 5. Generations will learn from each other based on personal experiences.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Therapeutic gardens will become a place of contact with nature and return to the healing power derived from nature. They will also become a meeting place for generations (when the pandemic situation calms down) and to draw strength from the mutual exchange of kindness and understanding. At present, seniors are the group most in need of support. A person deprived of contact with another person goes out, loses the will to live. That part of the energy of life that was once offered in the form of care from parents or grandparents has to now return to these social groups and feed the weakened life force. It is a project in which volunteering mainly of young people will also be implemented, so reaping the benefits of the interaction between the generations will be mutual.

Why is this idea important to you?

Katarzyna Richardson who joined Foundation last year. She was trained by London School of PR to successfully deliver business requirements set up by clients.She thinks differently and could go beyond patterns which could be beneficial for any entity.
Waldemar Piasecki. Wademar established the Foundation in 1992. Since that time he has been involved in all kinds of projects and runs the Foundation despite the difficult time of coronavirus reality. He is an English translator by profession and his work experience gathered through years provides a solid background to run the garden project successfully. The idea of ​​the project is to build bridges of cooperation. The glue that binds creative thought with action is good will and the willingness to spread good towards the individual.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel cost (coordination) 4,000 EUR
Plants, seeds 10,000 EUR
Gardening job 15,000 EUR
Workshops (4) 2,000 EUR
Promotion (PR) 1,500 EUR
Evaluation 1,000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Would it work? Any comments are very much welcome because they would provide insight into the idea and would also be an inspiration for the future improvement.


Katarzyna Richardson


Idea created on April 26, 2021

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