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Resocialization of convicts with family&society | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Resocialization of convicts with family&society

Public safety, family education, preventing recidivism, international discussion panel


Who is behind this?

Henryk Gawecki

Pro Civium Citizens' Initiative Association


Who is joining forces?

University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Department of Resocialisation


Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku


Stowarzyszenie "Nigdy Więcej"


The organization also cooperates with local governments, penitentiary units and the Jagiellonian University in the field of student internships in law and resocialization.


Idea pitch

The idea of the Association is to participate in the social rehabilitation of perpetrators of social factor crimes in cooperation with families of convicts.Socialization will be effective when - the close relatives of the offender are involved in this process, - society will have an impact on the penitentiary system.That is why we want to revive a dead provision in this respect (Art. 42 of the Penal Code). We want to benefit from the knowledge of Dutch and Scandinavians, where prisons are empty.

Where will your project idea take place?

Initiative, due to its character, applies to all of Poland, especially where the recidivism is high.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Polish penitentiary system is responsible for the convict only while serving his sentence.After being released, such a person comes into contact with stigmatization, social exclusion, unemployment and financial problems, as well as in the family and local environment.These factors are extremely criminogenic. We want to support these people in a proper return to society, help regain social values, acclimatize in society, and educate the family in the skills of further socialization of convicts after getting out of prison.In the country, especially in places threatened with unemployment, the convicted is without a chance of becoming part of society again, hence our comprehensive actions.

Who are you doing it for?

Three groups are the beneficiaries of the association's activities.Main group, are persons deprived of their liberty from the category of socially and professionally excluded, and whom we help, as part of legal, advisory, professional and psychological interactions, to return to society, second group is their families also struggling with social exclusion because of their convicted family members, whom we teach how to properly influence a convict in order not to return to crime,the third group is training, apprenticeships and internships for students of law, pedagogy, resocialization and psychology who, thanks to the association, gain knowledge and experience so important in their work and precisely the further rehabilitation of the former convicts.

How do you plan to get there?

To increase the effectiveness of all our actions we need to:
- develop a call center for hotline and online chat consultants
- engage more specialists in psychology and law as well as other specialties
- strengthen the organization's remote capacity to increase the effectiveness of student teaching and service for beneficiaries (convicts and their families)

What are the expected results?

In 2019, the Association supported over 1,000 people in the correct return to society.This year, we would like to multiply and expand the training base for future lawyers and penitentiary psychologists.In addition, we would like to build a professional database for sensitive information with shared and remote access for consultants, employees and specialists of the association.If we succeed with the challenge in 2020, we would like to continue at this level and focus on legislative activities aimed at increasing the social factor in the process of social readaptation of persons deprived of their liberty.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In addition to respecting civil liberties, democracy also means security for us, our families and children.The perpetrator rehabilitated and placed back within society is just a neighbor and co-worker.If all citizens start fighting the phenomenon of social exclusion and stigmatization of this group of people - we will all be safer, and society will be united, trusting each other and professing the same values.

Why is this idea important to you?

Because it allows you to change reality.Because it gives people a chance to come back to society who have understood their mistake, want to fix it and live a normal life.Because I want to live in a safer country.

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 15500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

- creating additional positions for consultants 2,000€
- media campaign on combating social exclusion 4,000€
- hosting service for building a virtual sensitive database 1,000€
- administrative costs of administrative support for beneficiaries 1,000€
- creation and equipment of a 3,500€ call center
- purchase of additional laptops 4,000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All. Sincere. True. For similar problems in other countries.


Pro Civium Citizens Initiative Association

Idea created on May 22, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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