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Recycling Culture | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Social inclusion

Recycling Culture

Ways of recycling and reducing waste in nature through active citizens


Who is behind this?

Mateo Miličević

Udruga MachLAB



Idea pitch

Recycling plastics that are most harmful to nature - shredding plastics in a mill and making materials for 3D printing on a plastic extrusion machine with which we will hold further workshops on plastic recycling and 3D printing, 3D modeling and additive technologies and make new useful items and products for general the use and manufacture of toys for low-income children, abandoned children and children affected by natural disasters, crises and war.

Where will your project idea take place?

Croatia, EU.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Recently, there have been many crises caused by the coronavirus and two devastating earthquakes that have hit Croatia. Many children have been hit by a social crisis after all.

Who are you doing it for?

The target groups are children, young people, students, pensioners, the elderly and socially vulnerable children and young people. Recently, there has been a very large increase in socially vulnerable groups due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus and two devastating earthquakes that hit Croatia, and there has been a large increase in children in orphanages.

How do you plan to get there?

The project is based on plastic recycling. Plastic is one of the biggest polluters of the environment and nature, and with this project we want to encourage citizens to recycle plastic, but not in the way of sorting plastic, but in a way that citizens can get a completely new, own, product from old plastic and plastic waste. The project includes the purchase of plastic processing machines - a shredding mill and a machine for extruding threads for 3D printing. Before buying the machine, training for members of the association on the use of purchased machines is planned, which will last a month. After the purchase of machines and education, the transport and installation of machines at the address of the workshop association follows. After the installation of the equipment, there will be a presentation and an introduction to plastic recycling (types of plastic, how to distinguish types of plastic and sorting and processing of plastic). This is followed by concrete, physical, work on the machines - crushing the plastic and processing on the extrusion machine where we get the material for the 3D printer. This is followed by training on 3D modeling and 3D printing and 3D printing of a new product.

What are the expected results?

Beneficiaries of the project will be encouraged to greater recycling, independent creativity, entrepreneurship and reducing the amount of waste in nature by recycling and making a new product from the same recycled material, and will be actively involved in the work of this association and local community through technical culture workshops and recycling workshops.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through working together, we strengthen our community by caring for the environment, encouraging citizens to recycle and holding workshops in technical culture, citizens will know that they have done something good for their community and future generations.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team behind the project is made up of our members - a mechanical technician, toolmaker and mechatronics who were also members of vulnerable groups before joining the local community and the work of the association. Our personal goal is to ensure all citizens a dignified active citizenship.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Car for bussines travels, working actions, member travels, etc. - 15.000,00 EUR
Travels and accommodation finances - 5.000,00 EUR
Costs of food, organisation, etc. for volunteers - 10.000,00 EUR
Office supplys - 5.000,00 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All ideas and suggestions are always welcome, if you would like to add something to this project or provide assistance in the implementation of the project, feel free to contact us. Thank you!


Mateo Milicevic


Idea created on March 30, 2021
Last edit on April 16, 2021

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