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Re imagine | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development

Re imagine

Re imagine is a creative concept space. And built to work with young people get acquainted with the traditions and culture and the heritage of Croatia


Who is behind this?

Petya Zasheva

Re imagine


Who is joining forces?

Grad Lepoglava


Lepoglava,a Town is one of the oldest and most famous places in Croatia: it has been the cradle of science, art and culture created by the Paulines since 1400. years.


Idea pitch

Re imagine is a creative concept space,connecting cultural heritage in a way of visual art.And built to work with young people get acquainted with the traditions and culture of Croatia. Focus on creating open workshops and dialogue between young people and Croatian Lace,embroidery makers and local artists. Connecting them through visual art, installation & workshops, in the creative space and in open areas in the City of Lepoglava. Providing a free space in usage of all the community

Where will your project idea take place?

Lepoglava is a town in Varaždin County, northern Croatia, located southwest of Varaždin

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Lepoglava is a town in Varaždin County, northern Croatia, located southwest of Varaždin with a population of 8,283 people.
In the Varazdin County region, over 66% of the total population (123.000 persons) lives in rural areas according to the Agricultural Census 2003. Since Croatia became independent, there were no strategic plans or programmes oriented toward rural development. That has resulted in rural communities facing numerous issues, lower levels of education, , low skill and knowledge levels on how to establish and run a business, etc. Increasing the quality of life and the economic competitiveness of rural communities is a priority of the Varazdin County government, and municipal

Who are you doing it for?

The lace tradition is eternal in Croatia. Culture can help respond to global challenges such as: unlocking the potential of culture and creativity for sustainable social and economic development. Although Europe has strong assets, many cross-cutting challenges have to be tackled in the field of culture. As an artist cooperating with the local authorities, I will be working with a non-formal artistic method: think outside the box, and act outside the walls, in order [to reach people who do not enter cultural institutions], by presenting the installation and workshops in shared public spaces. The local community from the selected neighborhood and the general public. An increase in the number of young people studying the arts and who are equipped with skills to manage their own business;

How do you plan to get there?

Prior to the project we will conduct the needs’ assessment, and we will select the potential place connected to the project needs
1. Reaching the community (schools, NGOs, neighborhood)-set of engagement activities ( debates with experts,artists, schools, NGOs, representatives of the local authorities and the inhabitants ,creation and workshops lace and embroidery)
2. opening, workshops lace and embroidery,creating cultural concept by providing space for artists,calendar to present all events, open for NGOs and individuals to address their issues in a creative way connected to the mission of the space

What are the expected results?

Working on a national and European level,we aim that on the impact of this project will be to create:An increase in the number of people with creative potential and who are active in creative professions:An increase in the number of young people studying the arts and who are equipped with skills to manage their own business; More temporary and permanent spaces for creation and co-creation:Increased collaborations between public cultural organisations and creative entrepreneurs; Increased international activity and market access;Closer collaborations between higher education institutions, public agencies and industry Be recognized as an Independent creative space in where everyone can get support and co-create with others meaningful projects with social impact,expecting at least 250 people

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Cultural heritage has a positive yet undervalued impact on our societies, contributing to the quality of life, social cohesion and intercultural dialogue.
In the era of globalization humanity faces new challenges and new threats. This requires a high level of cooperation and the establishment of trust between citizens from different countries. A special role in solving global problems is assigned to youth. Thus we decided to create a project that will provide an opportunity for young people, because this is one of the ways to react to new challenges. We consider that creative young people are the best leaders, and it is always interesting for them to meet each other to exchange their experience.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our motivation is to develop a creative place where the individuals will find support and feel empowered to make a change. As we mentioned earlier Lepoglava is a recognize as a City of Lace Festival under high auspices of UNESCO committee for Croatia.This is a strong connection of the past and the future. As an artist connecting two different identities, facing the challenges of loosing our identity connected to the Cultural heritage has a universal value for us as individuals,communities and societies.It is important to preserve this culture and pass on to the future generation.With a Innovative actions outside of traditional standpoints and with the blended traditional,the potential of the cultural and creative sector for economic or social growth to become a valued for future investment

€ 43000,-

Total budget

€ 43000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Promotion(Google ads-15%, Facebook ads-35%, Emailing-20%, Events-15%, Instagram -35%, Design, video, photo, PR, printing-40-%) 6,000 eur
artistic fees(crating lac, materials, contingency) 8,000 eur
Space rental and utility costs (2,000 per month x 12 months, does not involve any construction works) = 24,000 eur
Equipment and office expenses = 5,000 eur

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any other comments or suggestions are very much welcome.



Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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