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Radio DOC | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

Radio DOC

Telling, proposing, participating. A radio Agorà for making growing the community


Who is behind this?

Matteo Secchi

La Gilda dei Guitti


Who is joining forces?


Idea pitch

The medium is the message, and also the solution. Radio Doc is a permanent civic engagement tool, free from political conditioning, opened to the participation of young people, associations, and citizens.Radio Doc is not a radio project, but an interface capable of presenting project proposals for the growth of the territory. An incubator of civic engagement projects. The contents will be created by citizens and committees through special formats, and will be usable through the typical language

Where will your project idea take place?

Frascati Town, Rome region, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

To put citizens and committees in a position to participate in the democratic choices of the community, presenting projects, ideas, or needs and pushing the local government to consider such proposals worthy or priority. The answer to this is the creation of a physical space set up as a Web Radio, called "Radio Doc", referring to the denomination that certifies the area of origin of the wines, to indicate the quality and local origin of the arguments that will be addressed. Radio Doc will create a permanent social environment, organized from below, able to give voice to the requests of individuals or groups. It will create a civic network for new ideas. Citizens or associations will create the contents. In this way, the ideas will be able to set out, enrich themselves and find the know-out

Who are you doing it for?

The direct beneficiaries of Radio Doc are citizens, freelancers, and Third Sector associations who intend to promote project, cooperating to make growing the community. This exceptional communication and cooperation tool will be offered to them to create a network of civic engagement. The task of the editorial team will be to create an interface capable of putting associations, committees, and citizens in contact, to ensure that projects can be proposed, discussed, and implemented. The radio, being by its nature a warm, engaging medium, easy to use by everyone at any time of the day, will create public opinion around the proposals of the civic network, effectively influencing the choices of the local legislator. Indirect beneficiaries will instead be all citizens.

How do you plan to get there?

First of all, we will start setting up the editorial staff of Radio Doc with the purchase of the domain (, the creation of the site, the App, and the preparation of the editorial staff with servers, microphones, mixers, and the computer. Secondly, the social pages (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter) will be set up to promote radio and programs. It will then be contacted local associations dealing with civil rights and active participation to have access to the project and to start basic training on how to design a program and conduct interviews. The programs will be able to start within 6 weeks, to have a schedule of at least 6 hours a day of transmission. This is conceivable to happen after 10/12 weeks. In the meantime, it will be launched a social campaign to disseminate the Radio Doc project. It will be important to combine the social campaign with podcasts of what the associations have achieved in the meantime to make even easier understand that Radio Doc is not a radio project but an interface.For participation there will be two lines of action: one live online, in which those who want to have an exhibition space can fill out an online form / registration at our operational headquarters. The second line of action is to allow you to comment on the live broadcasts on social media in which they will be launched. The host will share the comments inherent.

What are the expected results?

Radio Doc will have a creative impact on the territory in the short and medium-term with the definition of a virtuous space, digital and physical at the same time, where young people, citizens, and committees will be able to build proposals for the community. Furthermore, being an easy-to-use medium, it will create public opinion, spreading out the proposals of the civic network that will be gathered around Radio Doc. It is important to highlight that the creation of a community of aware and participating citizens will make it possible to carry out crowdfunding campaigns for projects presented. It will create a permanent debate venue, capable of encouraging the active citizenship of groups and committees.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

As mentioned, the local administration has equipped itself with regulatory tools that would allow citizens to participate. They are complex tools and therefore not used at all. Radio Doc will be a place to take care of your community more simply and directly. This will increase social and political engagement and participation and, above all, will effectively influence the choices of the local legislator, who in Italy are always looking for consensus. The Administrators will pay attention to citizens' requests and projects, because their political agenda will also have to consider the needs publicly discussed on the Radio. The policymakers will be invited to participate in the radio debates, when a project has reached a good level of attention or the possibility of implementation.

Why is this idea important to you?

"La Gilda dei Guitti" and "L'Approdo di Turan", cultural non-profit organizations born as cultural realities that have developed over time a strong interest in the cultural cooperation of the territory, basing their projects on stories and on the exchange of ideas: cooperation with the Municipality of Frascati to make known to the citizens, through itinerant shows, historical places that are little known or not accessible; the realization of redevelopment projects of abandoned spaces and made available to citizens; participation with other associations in digital initiatives aimed at cultural dissemination to make up for the absence of events in the pandemic period, bringing themes such as solidarity, the role of women and culture as a basis for dynamic citizenship.

€ 34750,-

Total budget

€ 34750,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

The expenses are:
Microphones: 3000 €
Computer: 2000 €
Monitor: 2000 €
Laptop: 1800 €
Server with the cloud: 3000 €
Office expenses: 4000 €
Website: 3.000 €
Staff: 7.000 €
Tracking system: 2000 €
Music license: 1200 €
License broadcasting: 750 €
Promotion fees: 5000 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to know how better implement our project and if the idea of a web radio dedicated to democratic participation and civic engagement can inspire others. We would like it to be the first step towards a European network of active citizenship for the exchange and discussion of ideas


Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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