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Social inclusion


to establish opportunities for authentic youth voice in society and promote diverse forms of youth service


Who is behind this?

adamo andriulo

ProjectAhead Cooperative


Who is joining forces?

Cooperative Tertium MIllenium





Idea pitch

The program is both innovative and preventive, as its actions will
target children and youth in rural districts in
vulnerable peripheral areas of Salerno Province, areas where significant social and a cultural void exist.
Activities will include the gender, and racial/ethnic equity perspective,
and will provide for inclusion of young people, ensuring that the most excluded children and young people

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be prioritizing
interventions in Teggiano Policastro South of Salerno, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Youth civic engagement leads to reduced risky behavior, increased success in school and leads to greater civic participation later in life. However, youth today are less likely than those in earlier generations to exhibit many important characteristics of citizenship. Engage youth in positive opportunities for civic participation, which is important for healthy youth development and for the health and performance of democracy. Unfortunately, in spite of made efforts, many young people between ages of 18 to 24 do not understand the principals of citizenship, are disengaged from the political process, lack the knowledge necessary for effective government and have a limited appreciation of democracy.

Who are you doing it for?

The target groups include a) authorities, service providers and youngsters
The project wants to provide this target group with recommendations they can address to the policy level and with the results of the pilots they can use their own implementation plans.
This sector comprises a variety of actors (public and private) with its own vision on youth active citizenship
It is believed that over its lifetime, the program will cater to approximately 200 young people between the ages of 15 and 19 years.
The program will also create spaces and instruments for families and other community members to actively support the activities, serving as social control elements and assuring the quality of interventions.

How do you plan to get there?

The proposed methodology is based on the different organization levels that allow a real participation into the decisions and actors’ involvement. Involvement of different territories and the support of public entities. From the organizational point of view partners will take care of the institutional coordination and enlargement of the relationships within other territories.
At the operational level a Project implementation Unit will be established. At the local level will be organized specific teams to implement the activities aiming at guaranteeing the participation of young people and of the local actors.
The methodology foresees a strict interrelation between the different components and the project phases. Activities aim at strengthening its repeatability and durability

What are the expected results?

Strategic partnerships: creating institutional partner relationships in order to share the engagement in promoting human rights
Value the partners’ resources and skills: basing the activities’ implementation on the already existing structures, in order to guarantee their sustainability
Create a system: enlarge the projects’ partnerships and activities in order to ease the collaboration processes, the exchanges and the increase of competences between the political authorities and the structures of the world of the associations with a supporting role.
Youth participation: the strengthen of the skills and functions of the young people through their operational participation

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Successful youth engagement strategies require that youth have genuine and meaningful opportunities to work with each other and with policymakers to impact issues of importance. It is important to be inclusive in planning and working with youth, placing particular emphasis on engaging young people who have not traditionally been included in community youth development opportunities and recognizing and valuing diversity (including ethnic, racial and socio-economic). By creating opportunities for youth civic engagement, we want to promote the development of young people. Civic engagement provides young people with opportunities to gain work experience, acquire new skills, and to learn responsibility and accountability, contributing to the good of their communities.

Why is this idea important to you?

ProjectAhead is working to engage youth in positive opportunities for civic participation, which is important for healthy youth development and for the health and performance of democracy. It is important to be inclusive in planning and working with youth, placing particular emphasis on engaging young people who have not traditionally been included in community youth development opportunities and recognizing and valuing diversity (including ethnic, racial and socio-economic). By creating opportunities for youth civic engagement, we want to promote the healthy development of young people. Civic engagement provides young people with opportunities to gain work experience, acquire new skills, and to learn responsibility and accountability—all while contributing to the good of their communities

€ 55,-

Total budget

€ 50,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

The proposed budget for the Project is Euro 55000,00 spread over 12 months. The budget for the Project is broken down as follows:
Operational structuration of the cooperation agreement between the partners of
the project 5000
Training courses for the young peer educators 5000
Raising awareness/education/
training workshops with young people in the schools: methodology, training models
and tools. 7000
Awareness/education/training workshops in high schools’ classes 7000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

From the Civic Europe online community we could receive support for the delivery phase/running of the workshop supporting exploitation and dissemination.



Idea created on May 22, 2020

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