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Prepared for the Future | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Medical education

Prepared for the Future

United and trained to overcome any situation


Who is behind this?

Simona Srebrov

Asociatia pentru Instruire in Situatii de Urgenta - UVSAR



Idea pitch

The society as we know it changed with the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and we understood the importance of a better prepared civil society. When it comes to natural disasters (earthquake, floods, even pandemics), it is crucial that the society should know how to respond fast and in an appropriate manner in order to minimize the aftermath.
We believe in helping the disadvantaged groups (e.g Roma ethnics, immigrants etc) integrate in the society through first-aid courses and basic medical knowledge

Where will your project idea take place?

Galati county, south-east Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Galati county there are thousands of Roma families living in poverty, with many children (most of them don't go to school), thus being situated at the "outskirts" of society.
In most cases, NGOs help them integrate through arts and related programms. We aim to help them both integrate and be accepted as valuable members of our society by training them in offering first aid, preparing them to know how to (re)act in case of an earthquake (Galati is located in an active seismic region), and so they get a sense of doing something good and be active in the community.

Who are you doing it for?

For example, in Barcea commune, Galați county, where our partners from the Roma Cultural Center O Del Amenca is conducting support programs, live around 4,975 people, of which, according to the latest information provided by Barcea City Hall, approximately 150 Roma families are in a situation of vulnerability (beneficiaries of social assistance, single-parent families, people with disabilities , people without income), which means about 520 people.
Also, we target the detractors of this vulnerable group and aim to help them see that Roma people can be helpful and active, and a needed part of the society.

How do you plan to get there?

We will provide courses for the Roma community. First, the basic hygiene and sanitary needs. We will proceed to the first aid courses and the third and last module will be the response in case of natural disasters.
We'll work in smaller groups, divided by criteria such as age and previous knowledge. Depending on how the situation will look like at the beginning of the project, we can use learning at a distance as well, although for certain aspects (medical maneuvers, for example), physical demonstrations and practice is needed.

What are the expected results?

Since it can be easily called a pioneering idea, we don't have a recipe for success. We do expect many positive results, such as a greater sense of community, the Roma group feeling more empowered, valued and needed in the community, which in turns accepts them and treats them equally. Also, we expect this to lead to a increase in the participation of the Roma group in the life of the community, as responsible and active citizens.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By giving them a sense of belonging and engaging them in the community, the Roma people will be encouraged to take a more active role and become key citizens.
The local authorities will also see them in a different light and once our beneficiaries will complete their training, they are ready to be of great help in case of emergencies and provide support to the people in charge.

Why is this idea important to you?

In our 5 years of existence, we trained over 500 volunteers and offered first-aid courses to big companies and schools as well. Taking it to the next level and concentrating on a minority is a challenge, but in the same time our bold ideas proved successfull in time and we believe this is no different. We strive for impact and opening new doors of perception to communities in need and we'll do for sure all the needed steps in order for this idea to be a successfull and inspiring one.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 40000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

-Human Resources-11200 EURO
-Purchase of Equipment (2 ambulances, 1 telecommunication mobile center, all branded with the Sponsor's logo)-11000 EURO
-Purchase of medical supplies for courses (first aid kits, sanitary materials, mannequins etc)-1300 EURO
-Office supplies (printing the courses)- 500 EURO
-Travel expenses -1000 Euro
-Equipment for volunteers (protection suits/uniforms,with logo) - 5000 EURO
-Rental and special design of the place where the courses will be held - 10000 EURO

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any feedback is appreciated and thanked for! Your input matters to us and we would like to know if there are any other organizations who did this before and what their advice for us would be.
Keep up the good work everybody!



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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