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Possible life | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development, New type of sharing economy for all of the partici

Possible life

“Possible Bulgaria – Activating local communities through capacity building of civic organizations in remote geographical regions”


Who is behind this?

Teodor Vasilev

Possible life Bulgaria


Who is joining forces?

National Youth Forum


Smolyan Municipality




We are working with more than 80 groups and NGOs in Bulgaria. More information here: and


Idea pitch

In the vast changing World we need a new way of reinventing food, education, health and social collaborations. Possible life network is new type of shared economy, sustainable development and transfer of know-how and capacity. The network provide market space for sharing know-how, services, production and social exchange of people living in the rural and remote areas. Possible life build capacity on local level for sustainable and abundant now. Life in the wisdom of nature!

Where will your project idea take place?

Possible life starts in rural and remote ares of Bulgaria and Europe (

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Small and remote places in Bulgaria are becoming depopulated are declining and communities are weak and fragmented. The lack of effective communication between civil society organizations and public administration creates apathy and a sense of abandonment. Small local civic NGO's are testing difficulties in creating a sustainable financial model, diversification of funding sources, connection with the general public, working with volunteers and the local community. There is little support for farmers who develop
alternative practices such as permaculture and biodynamics agriculture shared economy to enable sharing resources (machinery, land, seeds, production bases, time, etc.), exchange of knowledge and opportunities. 80% of all respondents say they need a common
exchange medium.

Who are you doing it for?

We are focus to young and small NGO's, companies, civig groups, citizents living and working in rural and remote areas. We conducted a survey among 13 (9 NGOs) organizations and initiatives in small and remote villages of Bulgaria. 80% of all respondents say they need a common exchange medium. People sad that they need: Network, Exchange with people who they can help you, More families willing to live nearby, Supporters and financial resources. The main resource that everyone needs is financial funds and networking.
The Possible life is for all people dreaming for new life out of the populated and poluted urban areas - young and adults who wish to rethink their local communities, to change and build life near to nature and people.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Project management, monitoring, reporting and accounting.
2. Development and improvement of the platform and the network of living places: "Possible Life", based on:
3. Collection of good practices for establishing and supporting active civil society organizations in the local community in Bulgaria and Europe.
4. Trainings for increasing the capacity of civilians organizations and informal groups in isolated and disadvantaged geographical areas.
5. Round of meetings for mutual assistance, live exchange and final online conference.
6. Visualization and publicity activities - Campaign "Possible Life".

What are the expected results?

Results based on realized activities:
1. Project management, management and reporting. Internal project monitoring and accounting.
2. Creation, development and improvement of the platform and the network of living places: "Possible Bulgaria", based on:
3. Collection of good practices for establishing and supporting active civil society organizations in the local community in Bulgaria and Europe.
4. Trainings for increasing the capacity of civilians organizations and informal groups in isolated and disadvantaged geographical areas.
5. Capacity building of the network - meetings for mutual assistance, live exchange and final conference.
6. Visualization and publicity activities - Campaign "Possible Life"

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The proposed project meets the needs of civic organizations at the local level in isolated
geographical areas that want to network, to diversify their sources of funding and to develop sustainably. Possible life provides an environment for networking,
resource sharing and capacity transfer as will increase the number of partnerships between experienced and less experienced civil society organizations and groups. The main product of the project is the platform:, in which they will communicate to civil society organizations, small and medium enterprises, municipalities and the general public in the country. In the changing World more people are searching for possible life out of the big urban ares and cities. Our network will provide them with neceserary knowledge.

Why is this idea important to you?

Personaly and proffesionaly this idea motivated us to live and work every day. Our mission is to enrich the process of personal development and learning inspired by nature. We live in communities that support each other in their challenges and selebrate their success. We dream of local life that will give more and left more for everybody. We know that this can be achived by local communities trough process of talks and implementation of good practices. We belive that every human need a connection to nature, other people and himself. And all of those proceses need support and connection. We are building this connections that will last! In our team we had a experienced trainers, educators, policy makers and civic leaders that had a experience in community development.

€ 27988,-

Total budget

€ 24900,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Management and coordination - for 12 monts - 9 000 euro.
Communiaction and dissemination plan - 3853 euro.
Possible life network development - 1770 euro.
Good practice data base development - 1500 euros
Trainings - 4740 euros
Support and capacity building meetings - 4375 euros
Possible life campaign - 2750 euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We wish to hear more about the idea of transfer capacity to local communities by engaging them in the network of building their life in rural and remote ares. We wish to hear more about sharing economy and how we can implement the principles in the network. We wish to hear about good practices.



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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