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“Poland for everyone”. | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

“Poland for everyone”.

Creating a new image of polish villages and their heritage for everyone living in Warsaw.


Who is behind this?

Dorota Wrońska

"University for All Ages" Association



Idea pitch

We want to make everyone living in Warsaw (including foreigners and refugees) to be able to visit and to get to know other regions in Poland. Some of them don’t even know what great and unique small villages are in their country. We want to help them with it. We want to educate Poles and foreigners who are interested in polish cultural heritage in different regions. It includes art, traditional handicrafts and cuisine and of course history.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place in many small polish localities that have their own special attractions.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Poland is quite a big country with great places and history inside. But many of them are unappreciated and unrecognized. The reason for this situation is that small localities have small communication ranges and sometimes also small budgets to promote their region. As a result no one goes there and many people don’t know how precious they are.
To help it there must be something or someone to show it. We hope we can do it.

This could be a possibility for people from very small villages, who deal with barely known traditional crafts, to show and learn their work and tradition. Sometimes it is even possible to save oblivion.

Who are you doing it for?

We want to involve everybody interested in this project, but focusing on foreigners living in Warsaw and polish citizens - especially those ones that wish to participate in local actions and that want to know their history and folklore but can’t afford it or just don’t know that those places even exist. We also want to give opportunities to senior citizens to participate in these events. It is often poorest social group in Poland.

How do you plan to get there?

We want to :
-engaged citizens to meet other original polish traditions and customs that are not discovered or barely known
-make a possibility to see and try unique places, people and heritage
-make an opportunity to cultural exchange
-integrate citizens from small localities and those from capital city
-unite families, minorities and other groups that have limited opportunities or language barriers

What are the expected results?

-4 workshops/organized meetings/rallies - to share knowledge, arrange meetings for families, motivate to explore polish society,
-4 trips - to show and visit national goods and values,
-newsletter/articles online which will include short informations, pictures and main ideas of involving local communities in dialogue and creating a culture of communication between them.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea for this project is to engage villagers in dialogue with citizens and the citizens to participate in their culture and tradition.
That also will help to increase business and financial development in those areas.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are a small team but also excited and ready to act.
Project team:
Dorota Wrońska - board chairman, artist in many fields. Cooperates with the Cultural Center in Warsaw. Leads and coordinates University of the third age for seniors. She specializes in management, has huge experience in the pricing department. Graduate Warsaw School of Economics.
Adrianna Brzycka - deputy chairman of the Board. Graduate art school, specialization : film and theatre scenography. Also an artist, the weaver. Expert in international enterprise in the logistics department.
Agnieszka Wrońska - board member. She works in Polish Academy of Sciences, specializing in financial matters and research projects. Works as an accountant and language instructor. Graduate tourism in polish and spanish universities.

€ 29000,-

Total budget

€ 29000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project team costs : 16 000 EUR
Travel costs (trips and excursions) :
4 * 1 500 EUR = 6 000 EUR
Workshops and other activities :
4 * 1 500 EUR = 6 000 EUR
Indirect costs : 1 000 EUR
Total eligible costs : 29 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any suggestions and advices are more than welcome.
Also we would like to know what kind of traditions and customs are in other countries.
It would be very interesting to make some kind of exchange of traditional techniques of handicraft art, regional cuisine and other fields.


University For All Ages

Idea created on April 25, 2021

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