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Youth participation and empowerment


Developing civic sense in children by trying to bring them closer to the world of volunteering


Who is behind this?

Pompilio Alessandro Lido




Idea pitch

The idea is to bring children between 10-11 years closer to the world of civil protection in order to make them citizens more aware of their territory, of themselves, of the potential of one and the other and of the fundamental interchange that can exist between both in order to live a common improvement experience. The approach is based on two phases, one of preparation and one of the experience, so they could test themselves as real civil protection volunteers

Where will your project idea take place?

Casoria, Napoli, Italia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Making children, the future adults aware so that the seed of civic sense is triggered in them and that they can transmit it among themselves, through their universal language, spreading it tomorrow even in their families to never wither the desire to commit oneself to oneself, to others and to the environment. Triggering the concept of risk, which enables them to elaborate a critical thought on the effects of their behavior towards the environment and others, so as to avoid all those detrimental conducts to respect for the environment and others, in order to recognize that only through cooperation, altruism it is possible to face any kind of situation.

Who are you doing it for?

imagining to collaborate with local schools, where each class has an average of about 20 children, we are referring to a staff of about 600 children considering all the schools in the town. Our goal is to reach a larger audience of people through children, referring to their families, their network of relationships and the school itself.

How do you plan to get there?

The project is divided into two phases, a first purely theoretical where children are instructed through interactive slides, and games, on topics that include natural disasters, bullying, recycling, fires and at the end of each lesson a minigame in order to consolidate what they have learned during the explanation in order to make complex concepts, tangible concepts that they are able to share with their friends and a second practical phase where through simulations, children have to manage the fire module, stairs, ropes, radio communications. Attention is focused above all on their ability to assess the risk of any event and understand how to intervene to deal with it, thanks to the help and collaboration of their team of reference volunteers.

What are the expected results?

Children will have become aware of the causes and effects of any event that could damage the environment, themselves and their network of relationships. And it is precisely through this awareness that children, the adults of tomorrow, will protect the environment and themselves, being able to understand the concept of risk and danger so as to be a bulwark for the safety and respect of our society. , understood as a cohesive group of people who work together for the common good.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Community members will be actively involved because they will become aware of the existence of structures and organizations capable of supporting them and helping them in certain situations; thanks also to the help of a short illustrated guide. Special spaces will be created on our FB page where everyone can express their opinion on certain topics. And real exercises will be organized in the town's parks, and in the appropriate places, that will ensure that the children are able to realize what they have learned.

Why is this idea important to you?

The association is present on the territory since'92, and it's an integral part of the population especially during the COVID19emergency, the link with the territory has intensified,making us protagonists of activities,in collaboration with the municipality of our town and with the Campania Region.We have given assistance to the population,and have organized an operational switchboard in order to listen to all the needs of the population in difficulty without any kind of discrimination.I strongly believe that children are the seed of society,and it is from the commitment that society uses to train and educate them that it is possible to obtain something good.Creating people with a specific moral and ethical caliber who are ready to help others, thus developing a culture of altruism&respect

€ 20000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

office expenses 7000
travel expenses 5000
uniforms 2000
gadgets 1000
personnel cost 3000
public relations 2000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Comments of any kind, so that people feel free to express what they think and to provide us with their point of view so that we can increasingly tailor our initiatives to their needs, modifying some characteristics if necessary.



Idea created on April 14, 2021
Last edit on April 19, 2021

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