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For an active and circular citizenship | Civic Europe
Law, advocacy and policy, Youth participation and empowerment

For an active and circular citizenship

Strengthen civic engagement and participation in social and political life of aware and active citizens, currently refractory and/or with problems of deviance.


Who is behind this?


Calabria Terra Libera ODV


Who is joining forces?

Si può fare Aps



Idea pitch

Stimulate the involvement of young citizens (voters or not) and their families in administrative policy at the local level through a path of knowledge of the rights and duties of a citizen and institutions, so as to achieve a citizen who is aware of being part of the concentric community of which it is part: City / Nation / European Union.

Where will your project idea take place?

Cosenza, Calabria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project aims to strengthen the civic commitment and participation in social and political life of aware and active citizens, currently refractory and/or with deviance problems and/or living, marginalised, on the outskirts of cities and with a greater commitment to the spread of legality. In a province and region where the nefarious influence of one of the most dangerous mafias in the world, the 'drangheta, is strong.
To achieve this, we will stimulate their involvement in administrative politics at a local level through a path of knowledge of the rights and duties of a citizen and of the institutions, so as to achieve a citizen who is aware of being an active part of the concentric community of which he/she is part: City / Nation / European Union

Who are you doing it for?

The subjects concerned will be children up to the age of 18 and their families living in the outskirts of the city of Cosenza, one of the most densely populated areas in Calabria, and where the situation of marginalisation and the increase in juvenile delinquency is beginning to be serious ( The number of subjects reported to the Social Services in the period last taken into con￾sideration, (The number of subjects reported to the Social Services in the last period taken into consideration, from 2012 to 2019, maintains a fairly constant trend, with values around 350 minors each year, with the exception of the year 2016, when a higher number of reported subjects, namely 450, was recorded) and the influence of the mafia defined as "drangheta" is strong.

How do you plan to get there?

The first step will be a short course to illustrate the history of the birth of the Italian Constitution and the values it contains, and how the united Europe in which we participate is a direct consequence of it.
The first step will be a short course in which we will illustrate the history of the birth of the Italian Constitution and the values it contains, and how the united Europe in which we participate is a direct consequence of it, and immediately afterwards we will illustrate the functioning of the Italian and European institutions and legislative techniques.
Once in possession and aware of these basics, we will move on (for the under 18s it is foreseen the participation to an interactive game to make it easier to understand) to illustrate how laws are born and how the life of a representative of local and national institutions unfolds, and what are the rights and duties of being an Italian and European citizen, to end with the illustration of the importance of always keeping vigilant and dialectic the relationship between citizens and institutions such as, for example, the creation of a citizen's desk that, active on the territory, will act as an active link with local institutions.

What are the expected results?

Through this path of knowledge and belonging, the aim is to create active citizens who are aware of their role and of the need for continuous interaction with legislators and administrators and, consequently, of the rights/duties that derive from belonging to the Italian and European community as citizens and of the importance of being active in the social and political life of their own community. This will increase the use of participatory tools also in the administrative life of the local authority and, therefore, with the ability to influence institutions to intervene to resolve needs and requirements.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project aims to strengthen the civic commitment and participation in social and political life of aware and active citizens, currently refractory and/or with deviance problems and/or living, marginalised, on the outskirts of cities and with a greater commitment to the spread of legality, in a province and region where the nefarious influence of one of the most dangerous mafias in the world, the 'drangheta, is strong.
To achieve this, we will stimulate their involvement in administrative politics at a local level through a path of awareness of the rights and duties of a citizen and of the institutions, so as to achieve a citizen who is aware of being part of the concentric community of which he/she is part: City / Nation / European Union

Why is this idea important to you?

Calabria Terra Libera has now acquired knowledge and skills in the field of dissemination using digital tools through various activities carried out over the years at the service of the collective. From conferences on the mafia and against infiltration in local authorities, to the fight against pollution. Through the work it has carried out with partners such as "si può fare" and others, it has shared experiences and projects even in fields in which it does not possess, among its members, the specific skills to intervene. The project team consists of a project manager, an educator, a lawyer, an accountant, 3 secretaries, an engineer and an accountant.

€ 53000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Rental of premises for lectures and/or equipment for Webinars €. 9.000,00
Overheads (electricity, gas, organisation
of press conference, etc.) €. 3.000,00
Test at the beginning/end of the course
to get to know the participants €. 1.500,00
Secretariat, staff, subcontracting, course equipment : €. 25.500,00
Print publication and other event publicity : €. 5.500,00
Website and App creation and development €. 8.500,00

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Advice on how to better refine the impact and effects of the intended objective is welcome.


Calabria Terra Libera


Idea created on April 1, 2021
Last edit on April 7, 2021

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