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People's Kitchen | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, (Social) Entrepreneurship

People's Kitchen

Creating food, ideas and opportunities


Who is behind this?

Mariana Vidmar

Center for animal and nature protection - Key


Who is joining forces?

Organisation Avocado



Idea pitch

A social club located in Sisak that would provide healthy food for everyone, without prices, only for a donation. The club would also host various workshops on everyday useful skills such as cooking, sewing, working with tools, etc. The workshops would be hosted by local un-enployed population, giving them an opportunity to share their skills and earn money. The club would also organize entertaining events, such as open-mic nights and gigs, giving local artists a place to show their talent.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sisak, Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Lack of employment is one of Sisak's biggest challenges. Our goal is to provide workshops and quality education by proffesionals in order to help people learn new skills which could help them find new jobs in new areas of expertise. The other problem is low wages and a low standard which makes it difficult for people to afford healty food, especially in restaurants. Our goal is to cook healthy food everyday and people would be welcome to come and eat, and leave a donation by choice, which would make vegan food accessible to everyone. We would also organise free entertainment events and gigs, so that everyone can come, regardless of how much money they have.

Who are you doing it for?

All citizens of the Banovina region, especially people with low or no income. The idea is to include all citizens, regardless of their financial status, and to give them an opportunity to enjoy things that they usually could not afford - such as eating out, going to concerts, going to workshops or attending educations. Many people of this region, especially older population don't even have an internet connection which makes it even harder to inform them about new things. Our community center would also provide free wi-fi and computer so that people can use it when they need to.

How do you plan to get there?

The first step would be to find and rent a place in Sisak, we would renovate it with recycled materials, such as second hand furniture, the place would be as a "living room", providing a cozy ambient for everyone. The place would open everyday, providing freshly cooked vegan meals, with groceries from local farmers. The activities would be: organising workshops and educations on various topics and skills, providing a place for everyone to come and eat heathly food, regardless of their financial status, inviting people to come and showcase their skills and/or art, and to engage in discussions about local problems.

What are the expected results?

People will have learned new skills or improve previous skills which will help them find new jobs, other benefits of this project are raising awareness about social issues, environmental issues, human rights and animal rights. Discussing ideas to improve life standards for local citizens, and implementing those ideas.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By attending discussions and debates on various topics and problems that they are faced with. By inviting professionals to educate people about their rights, by providing information about relevant topics for people who do not have computers, internet or even electricity in their home.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are a non profit organisation and animals sanctuary ran by 4 volunteers. We have been volunteering in the fields of animal rights and nature protection for about 15 years, through various actions, from cooking vegan food and sharing it to citizens, through workshops, educations, etc. We are passionate about equality for all - humans, animals, nature. We believe we are all connected and have to be kind to everyone and help each other out. Healthy vegan food is usually more expensive, which makes it hard or impossible to buy for people with low or no income, and we think that healthy food is a human right, not a privilege and that everyone should be able to enjoy it. Through vegan food we also help animals and the planet.

€ 34800,-

Total budget

€ 34800,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Monthly expenses in total: 2900 EUR

1200 EUR - personnel costs for two people who would be working and cooking everyday in the center

1200 EUR - costs of rent, groceries and other supplies

500 EUR - travel costs and personnel costs for professionals who would come to host workshops or educations

The duration of the project would be 12 months and we would start immediately.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Every advice is good! If you want to know more about the idea or more about our organisation, feel free to reach out to us!



Idea created on April 25, 2021

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