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Community development, Social inclusion


Negative perception and sterotypes in the public discourse of the Republic of Croatia about people originating from Imotski as a basis for stigmatization and insults


Who is behind this?

Anita Jerković

Women's Association "Flower in the Stone"



Idea pitch

The project will develop a discussion on how prejudice about people from certain areas can jeopardize and belittle people in everyday communication, even threaten their right to equality and sovereignty. It deals with the negative view on the people of Imotski in Croatia and neighboring countries. They are often subjects of ridicule and stigmatization and threats via Internet. We want to open the question in public space to what extent such prejudices affect coexistence and democracy.

Where will your project idea take place?

The city of Imotski and its surroundings, Split - Dalmatia County, and the city of Zagreb, Croatia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Uncritical thinking about a source of information is often inspiration for stories, from humorous, to malicious. Stereotypes and prejudices encourage various activities known as the most horrible crimes in history like racism, slavery, the Holocaust, the Soviet gulags, all of which were prepared and realized on great maliciously developed myths, based on stereotypes and prejudices. Prejudices and stereotypes about the primitiveness and worldview rigidity of the people of Imotski, attributed to the tendency to smuggling and cunning, sometimes are sympathized, while on the other hand they provoke negative and fascist reactions.Our goal is to arise questions in Croatia, concerning the increasing intolerance of anything different and the harm such behavior creates for coexistence and democracy

Who are you doing it for?

The target group includes all originating from the Imotski´s region, living in Croatia (more than 50,000 persons).
The secondary target group is all residents of the Republic of Croatia, media workers, persons from public and political life, and the like.
The project will involve relevant experts: sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, PR and media professionals, cultural figures and other public figures who have different views on this topic. We will introduce opposing views and try to point out the harm of prejudices and stereotypes in general.
Local partners of the project are the Public open school Imotski, Croatian Radio Television, Slobodna Dalmacija and Radio Imotski, as well as local and regional independent Internet portals.

How do you plan to get there?

In the implementation of the project we will take these steps:
- Determine the project team and define the roles and responsibilities for implementation
- Hire experts from specific areas
- Invite all interested parties to participate through a public call
- Involve representatives of local institutions, media and associations
- Scientific research and processing
- Organize of round tables
- Organize and maintain the campaign “People from Imotski are people too” (radio shows, TV appearances, newspaper articles, etc.)
- Recording activities and editing the content
- Publication of research results
- Visibility of the project
- Monitoring and reporting
- Evaluation of implementation.
Each of these actions will undergo an appropriate, scientific or practical work methodology and project management tools.

What are the expected results?

We believe that the most important result of the project will be a change in society in terms of harmful effects of prejudices and stereotypes on coexistence and democracy.
The conducted activities will initiate changes in perception of the people of Imotski as a community, in which all typical human characteristics are present as in any other group of people; they may be successful and unsuccessful, just or unjust, leftists or rightists, religious or unreligious, educated or uneducated etc.
The results of the activities will be visible through:
- Materials and conclusions from the round tables
- Materials (audio, video, press) from the campaign
- Scientific works and publication of materials
- Documentary (makingof) film
- PR articles and publications in the media.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

To better understand the identity of the people of Imotski and protect them from stigmatization based on prejudices and stereotypes in the public space of Croatia,we designed activities that enable active participation of typical members of the community as well as people from public figures which dispute those stereotypes, whether they are positive or negative prejudices:
ACT 1: Public discussion and theses presentation, 2 round tables(Imotski, Zagreb)
ACT 2: Analysis of the impact of prejudices and stereotypes on coexistence and democracy (research and scientific papers)
ACT 3: Campaign: The people of Imotski are also: radio shows,TV appearances, newspaper articles,questionnaires,interviews,etc.
ACT 4: Documentary (making-of) film
ACT 5: Publication
ACT 6: Visibility of the project

Why is this idea important to you?

The Women's Association “Cvit u kamenu” helps in development of democracy, tolerance and mutual respect, which are a base for a modern society.
Socially engaging activities are manifested through: organized programs and education of members such as seminars on health, architecture, tradition and tolerance, organization of cultural happenings and promoting prominent individuals from Imotski. (“Mitsko Podosoje” project). Leadership of the association consists of: president–graduated economist, vice president–graduated economist, secretary–graduated economist, while a master of psychology and master of sociology and anthropology are members of the project team.
We will include partners in the project who, with their expertise, will contribute to the successful implementation of the project.

€ 37336,-

Total budget

€ 34500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Employee salaries - Project manager: 10.510 EUR
Organization of round tables: 1.325 EUR
Campaign: 5.477 EUR
Experts – fees: 1.987 EUR
Research – fees: 2.974 EUR
Research – publication: 2.974 EUR
Editing and filming a documentary: 6.934 EUR
Flyers, posters, invitations: 662 EUR
Other costs: 662 EUR
Travel expenses: 2.974 EUR
Refreshment: 857 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Every comment, piece of feedback and advice is more than welcomed! Thank you for reading our proposal.


Udruga žena Cvit u kamenu


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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