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"Past-Present-Future" | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment


Workshop 4.0 for the discovery and enhancement of young people's talent and the start-up of a community cooperative in Lunigiana.


Who is behind this?

Federico Bestazzoni

Polisportiva San Giorgio Comano ASD


Who is joining forces?

Associazione Pro Loco Castello di Comano


Associazione Pubblica Assistenza "Croce Azzurra" Comano


Associazione San Geminiano ONLUS-Pro Loco Malaspina Licciana Nardi-Regione Toscana-S.D.S.Lunigiana-Dipartimento per le Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Civile Universale-Comune di Comano-P.N.A.T.E.


Idea pitch

A participatory course aimed at young people on the rediscovery of the Comano area and the new forms of entrepreneurship linked to the Community. Online participation procedures in line with the Covid-19 anti-contagion protocols: introduction of the course and presentation of the participants, the young people and Community, natural and cultural resources, the circular economy, sustainable tourism, the old jobs and creativity and entrepreneurship for the start-up of a community cooperative.

Where will your project idea take place?

Comano, Lunigiana provincia di Massa-Carrara

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Preserve and renew the historical balance between man and biosphere in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, today threatened by the progressive abandonment of man, by climate change and by cultural homologation.
Protect biodiversity, ecosystem functions, green infrastructures; control the alien species whose presence tends to increase.
Defend and promote the numerous quality agro-food productions.
Protect social and cultural diversity.
Counteract the hydrogeological instability.
Monitor climate changes and the consequences they cause in a territory bordering two distinct climatic zones and therefore an area particularly sensitive to recording the effects of global warming on mountain plant species.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is aimed primarily at all young people who are looking for job opportunities to continue living in these mountain areas that have been abandoned today and to fight for the protection of the environment, history and traditions of these small communities.

How do you plan to get there?

- Promotion of the project in the local context (Lunigiana) and provincial (MassaCarrara) :
implementation and dissemination of the information campaign among young people, citizens and institutions.
- Training for recipients: realization of the training course for young people (18-40 years) on the rediscovery, enhancement and promotion of the territory and the local community
- Laboratory activation: launch of the LAB co-managed by young people trained and by the volunteers of the associations involved for the realization of initiatives and activities (at least 5) aimed at the discovery and support of young talents.
- Coworking Space: activation of a co-working space for the recipients - the space will also be used to support alternative forms of work such as shared work, team work;
youth coaching: activation of a coaching service for starting a community cooperative with young people.
- Monitoring and reporting: monitoring the progress of the project by verifying the achievement of the objectives in qualitative and quantitative terms through interviews and questionnaires; analysis of service approval cards by users, feed back by institutions; adoption of corrective actions in case of need.
- Dissemination of the project results and actions for its replicability.
- Collection and dissemination of good practices also aimed at repeating the project.

What are the expected results?

- Increase in the participation of young people within communities, institutions and non-profit organizations.
- Development of forms of citizenship, empowerment and solidarity among young people;
- Improvement of the personal and employment conditions of young people.
- Diffusion of new forms of knowledge and solidarity based on non-formal cooperative and generative learning models of community welfare.
- Orientation and self-entrepreneurship work placement of young people.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The members of the community will be actively involved in telling all the knowledge and traditions of the territory with the enhancement of local products, recovering uncultivated and abandoned land by giving new life and undoubtedly will improve their quality of life in new economies starting from the "old" historical and driving forces such as that linked to chestnut cultivation and then to new forms such as that linked to tourist-religious and eco-sustainable itineraries.

Why is this idea important to you?

Preserve and enhance the landscapes linked to traditional agro-forestry pastoral activities and, today at risk of reduction or abandonment.

Promote sustainable tourism by becoming aware, according to the dictates of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, of the importance of reducing and managing the environmental impacts of tourist flows; with the development of eco-tourism and naturalistic tourism (also in relation to school tourism), attention to the accessibility of the territory for correct use, support for forms of Responsible Community Tourism,

Enhance culture and history: underline the history of the intrinsic relationship between man and the biosphere through the signs and study of past eras.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Expenses for human resources, secretarial costs 1900 EUR
Planning and reporting 2500 EUR
Training activities addressed 5000 EUR
Consumables and equipment for activities 1900 EUR
Simulated business expenses 2500 EUR
Promotion 1000 EUR
Local office expenses 1500 EUR
Reimbursement of spending 2200 EUR
Dissemination of good practices 500 EUR
Expenses for the realization of distance learning 1500 EUR
Recovery of abandoned chestnut forest 29500 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Tips for continuing to experience the Apennines in all its forms while preserving the surrounding environment by enhancing human capital


Idea created on March 25, 2021
Last edit on March 26, 2021

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