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Parco Romano Biodistretto – Community Hub | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development, Democracy and participation, arts and cultural act

Parco Romano Biodistretto – Community Hub

A green district, a local pact on sustainability between citizens, associations and companies in the rural area around Rome and the small towns of the Roman Castles.


Who is behind this?

Pasqualino Liberatore

Aps km0 Consorzio Agroalimentare di Filiera Corta e dei Mercati Agricoli


Who is joining forces?

Orto Botanico Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata


Slow Food Albano e Ariccia aps


Music Theatre International


We are members of the Cerealia Network, a 10 years euro-mediterranean project awarded since 2015 with the EFFE Label by EFA. The network promotes different actions to disseminate the 17 SGDs of UN.


Idea pitch

Create a food community to guarantee good food to the citizens of our territories, revitalize the local economy, create value and social capital, stop the consumption of agricultural land, stimulate participation, local development and social inclusion, spread the culture of well-being in the community, stimulate the meeting between the cultures of the 2 shores of the Mediterranean, carry out trans-disciplinary initiatives, spread in particular among young people the 17 SDGs of UN Agenda 2030.

Where will your project idea take place?

The rural area of the province of Rome and the Castelli Romani 14 small towns and villages.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Roman Castles indicate 14 small towns on the Alban Hills at a short distance from Rome. It is a territory of volcanic nature, which includes two small lakes. During the Second World War the area was on the front line and was hard hit. After the SWW the economy focused on viticulture, for a long time the main economic resource of the territory, given the great fertility of the volcanic soil. The Roman Castles are a popular tourist area, although the beautiful natural area has been affected over the years by a significant expansion of urbanisation. Actually this territory is suffering for the loss of its identity and the displacement of young people. Our aim is to bring back this territory to its tourist and agricultural vocation in a more sustainable dimension.

Who are you doing it for?

In addition to the agricultural producers and the local community of the Castelli Romani’s small towns, the BioDistrict supports social farming realities: like the Community of Capodarco, which works in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged people; the social cooperatives gathered around Barikamà that offered job opportunities and social inclusion to refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, from sub-Saharan Africa, first exploited by the mafia in southern Italy and then helped by Barikamà to become autonomous agricultural producers, building in the community of farmers markets their own independent eonomic activity. Local institutions and the scientific community are actively involved.

How do you plan to get there?

A community participatory approach and dialogue with stakeholders. Activate a shared space where ideas and projects will aim to help consumers choices, support and accompany enterprises in the paths of sustainable innovation: through workshops and meetings between the different actors involved, also using design thinking techniques; a SWOT analysis will be set up to define forces and weaknesses, carry out thematic mapping and benchmarking (deepening cases to draw inspiration from national and international), measure the effectiveness, positioning and visibility of communication and brand in the territory. The information emerged will allow us to measure the achievement of the objectives set and to rethink the actions. Set uo a committee for new objectives, diffusiveness and accessibility.

What are the expected results?

To implement the logistic, facilitate access, differentiate the offer of initiatives realised and hosted in terms of quantity and quality, expand the network of collaborations, develop well-being initiatives, training and cultural events; to enhance local policies and practices aimed at protecting the environment, enhancing local traditions and knowledge; to offer local communities a model of development that focuses on citizens' health and social cohesion; to build a pact between producers and consumers in line with the sustainable development path of Agenda 2030 17 SDGs; integrate in a sustainable way the agricultural activities and other economic activities present in the territory in the community life; realise sustainable sovereignty practices in mobility and energy production.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

A local pact among citizens, associations, enterprises, public and private entities to promote cultural, productive and technological initiatives for a sustainable development economy model. A tool to spread healthier lifestyles and food practices to get small agricultural and artisanal enterprises out of the current economic marginalization. The community takes care of small local agricultural enterprises to ensure good food to the citizens of the territory, revitalize the local economy, create value and social capital, stop the cementing of agricultural land. Encourage production and transformation with a natural and biological method in agriculture; promotes the transition of small enterprises to the sustainability of their production cain in food and non-food sectors.

Why is this idea important to you?

Products’s fairer prices - consumers’s lower prices, by reducing the costs of brokerages and transport, less environmental impact, greater energy savings. Respect the principles of food sovereignty and biodiversity, helping to safeguard the agri-food goods of our territory. Make it easier to choose and bring on our table fresh, seasonal, proximity, genuine, tasty, organic, typical and certified food products. Major global changes also depend on our small daily actions, among which shopping and feeding take centre stage. Feeding is a cultural act, so we believe in the importance that educating local communities to produce and consume food in a sustainable way is fundamental to safeguarding the ecosystem in which we live and ensuring our well-being and that of future generations.

€ 60000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Logistical expenses 10.000 EUR, travel and accomodation costs 6.000 EUR, public relations and communication 8.000 EUR, personnel costs 20.000 EUR, experts consulting costs 5.000 EUR, training activities and workshop 9.000 EUR, office expenses 2.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We believe in a humanistic dimension in which trans-disciplinary approach and orientation on the issues is important, according to the STEAM model in which "A" stands for culture in the meeting between arts and sciences, oriented to the well-being of people, respect and safeguard of ecosystem.




Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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