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One for All, All for One | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, -

One for All, All for One shortlist


Who is behind this?

Anna Dąbrowska

Homo Faber Association


Who is joining forces?

the Association for Legal Intervention


the Polish Migration Forum Foundation


Our Consortium is an informal group of 9 organisations which provide support to immigrants and refugees in 4 different regions throughout Poland. The Consortium was formed in May 2017.


Idea pitch

“One for All, All for One” is a mentoring project for five people/groups of two who work locally in small cities in Poland supporting migrants. During nine-month project we will support five local communities in which big groups of migrants have been appearing for the last few years. Our work will be based on the individually adjusted plans including needs of local communities. The project is directed to Poles and migrants – local activists, who will provide free of charge support for migrants.

Where will your project idea take place?

Small cities in Poland (up to 100,000 inhabitants). Places in which migrants have been settling in f

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Since 2014, Poland has become a destination country for huge groups of migrants. Migrants settled in many different Polish towns but very often they cannot find their way in the new reality. Newcomers are often supported by individuals willing to help with the formalities: some “helpers” had migration experience themselves, others have some legal knowledge or simply want to show goodwill to people in need. They sometimes lack experience, expertise and tools, but first and foremost, they need the support of other people – local communities, authorities, NGOs. A single person is not able to take care of a social cohesion. We want to give the “helpers” professional support and tools but also build cross-sectoral agreement with the local authorities – cross-sectoral partnerships.

Who are you doing it for?

For the new inhabitants of small cities and towns in Poland. By the end of 2019 there were over 1,300,000 Ukrainian migrants in Poland.

For people from small and mid-sized cities in Poland who offer free of charge support for migrants: help with legalization procedures, dealing with formalities, translations, setting up businesses etc. For Poles and migrants (without regard for the type of their residence permit) who speak Polish fluently. We invite five people/groups of two to participate in the project.
The application process will have three stages:
Application form – including questions about motivations, goals and working methods.
Phone call interview.
Preparation of the applicants’ personal initial plan – what do I want to achieve thanks to the participation in the program.

How do you plan to get there?

November - December 2020 — promotion, application process, preparation of the mentors;
January — selection of participants, preparation of the support plans, networking meeting;
February – June — mentoring, visits, webinars;
June – the first evaluation, networking meeting;
July - September — implementation of participants micro projects;
October - November — mentoring, success stories preparation (media);
December — the second evaluation, networking meeting – gala.

What are the expected results?

In a year we will have a network of five local activists (Poles and migrants) supporting migrants. They will work more efficiently in their local communities – hopefully in good cooperation with the local authorities. They will have an experience of organizing the first outdoor event connecting Poles and migrants from their town/city. They will become local experts speaking the language of democratic values, they will initiate important local discussions and solve the problems of their communities.
The activists will be supported by nine experienced NGOs.
We will have a better look on what is going on in Poland in terms of migration. With this knowledge it will be easier for us to intervene in crisis.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

For us, democracy means cooperation in order to make decisions, even if you don’t have a right to vote. We want to hear the voice of migrants in order to pass it on. Our program is directed to local activists who support migrants. It is important for us to choose people who give free of charge support to migrants. Very often they decided to do so because nobody else does in their neighbourhood/town. They are active citizens who respond to the changes in their local communities. Their motivations are democratic values and human rights: freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance and openness. By supporting such people, we support these values. We want to help to create strong non-governmental structures which will represent the interests of the citizens of the community.

Why is this idea important to you?

Homo Faber has been working for migrants – their rights and empowerment – for ten years. Simultaneously we cooperate with local authorities to develop solutions supporting integration. We do not do the work of administration. We are aware of the fact that central authorities treat migrants only as a cheap labour force. We believe that local communities are important and they have power to build mutual understanding.
We are looking for solutions adequate to problems connected with living in the multicultural reality. We are open to changes and new ideas. We are willing to share our knowledge and failures. We have a vast experience in work with local communities. We study to became social mediators.

€ 29493,-

Total budget

€ 29493,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Mentoring programme: 13 053 euro
5 Mentors x 9 months - 10 110
4 Webinars - 360
5 Microgrants for mentee - 560
Workshops - 1123
Travels and accommodation - 450
Evaluation (during and after the programme) - 450

2 Networking meeting: 2020
Travels and accommodation - 670 x 2 - 1340
Catering - 340 x 2 - 680

Administrations costs: 14 420
Coordinator - 6300
accountant - 3146
Promotion and recruitment - 2250
Materials - 224
Office - 2500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Are there any similar networks supporting local activists who work in the field in migrants’ and refugees’ integration?
How do they work?
What is their biggest challenge?


Homo Faber


Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on Aug. 3, 2020

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