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No fakenews, yes good news! | Civic Europe
Journalism, Youth participation and empowerment

No fakenews, yes good news!

How to defend oneself from the traps of the network to become a communication tool and an active citizen


Who is behind this?

Vincenzo Di Dino

A.R.K.A. Eventi Culturali


Who is joining forces?


Idea pitch

a project organized in three stages: 1) no fakenews, beware of bubbles and how to defend yourself from the dangers of the internet; 2) how to learn to be an active citizen in the field of communication; 3) become a journalist

Where will your project idea take place?

mainly online, Sardinia, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

the problems of fakenews, cyberbullying, algorithmic bubbles, dangers of the network, how to face and defend them, will be the subject of the first phase of the project. The second part, on the other hand, will focus on improving one's communication and journalistic skills that can be used in the world of work and for everyday life, starting from an active role as a citizen aware of his rights and duties.

Who are you doing it for?

the project is mainly dedicated to young people aged 18 to 30, to equal opportunities between women and men, to those who suffer hardships related to marginalization in the suburbs, to NEETs (over two million young people in Italy do not study or work).

How do you plan to get there?

The project will be carried out following three phases. 1) The first step in which young people will be made aware of these issues of fake news, cyberbullying and social isolation; in the second step, the tools will be given for young people to become active citizens in all respects and be realized through a path of "journalism workshops". These workshops will be accessible online, with the E-learning and online learning, using the “Zoom” platform or other online channels and platforms (expecially now with pandemic covid19 problem). Several experts will teach in workshops with the support of the partner "". The workshops will develop different themes like journalism and communication basic technical, ethics in news reporting, the impact that spreading false news can have on society and the harmful effects such as cyberbullying and “phenomenon of hikikomori”. Workshops are planned during the time of the project. 2) The second step will consist in acquiring the skills and knowledge of the rights and duties of citizens up to the learning of writing articles, searching for sources, carrying out interviews and other skills necessary for the journalistic profession and communication techniques like social and media network. 3) The third phase will consist in the possibility of becoming journalists enrolled in the Register of Publicists by writing articles in

What are the expected results?

1) Provide the tools so that guys understand the active role of citizens with rights and duties who have a role in society; 2) Understand the impact that the news spread on the web has on civil society, increasing their awareness of the risks web; 3) Provide the basic elements for the realization of articols that respect ethics sources search principles. 4) Prepare most of the young people attending the course to improve their communication skills; 5) Prepare them for the journalistic profession that can direct them towards this career by opening them the chance of a job.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Freedom of expression, ability to discern, improvement of communication skills, use of speech, appropriate words, writing and expression styles that will improve their ability to influence society starting from the communities where they operate and giving voice to local realities also in written form describing the social dynamics and the difficulties and opportunities that young people face up to their territories.

Why is this idea important to you?

The cultural and professional training of the team in addition to the experience gained in the fields covered by the project are the basis of the project idea together with the associative ethics and the desire to improve the society in which we live. The team of experts in the field of human rights, journalism, communication, planning, work to give knowledge and useful tools to young generations because they could become users ready to dynamics of the web and valid “communicators” in the future.

€ 35001,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

10,000 Euros Project communication (web, radio, written communication);
12,000 Euros Speakers for training;
1 Euro Project idea;
10,000 Euros Organization, Secretariat, Reporting, Results, tablet purchase for some young people who cannot afford it;
3.000 Euro Travel expenses

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Are you interested in our initiative? Do you have suggestions and proposals for us? Do you know people interested in attending the course? Contact us!


ARKA Eventi Culturali


Idea created on April 26, 2021

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