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New Trees for New Life | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

New Trees for New Life


Who is behind this?

Georgiana Marcu

Asociatia Se Poate


Who is joining forces?

Cityhall Lipanesti



Idea pitch

New Trees for New Life is a project through we want to plant trees in Lipanesti county, Romania country where until 2017 was a landfill. Our target groups consists in citizens from Lipanesti who want to be involved in volunteer activities in order to create their own forest, near their houses.

Where will your project idea take place?

Lipanesti village, Prahova county is situated at 70 km from Bucharest, Romania.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Lipanesti village people doesn't have the culture of democracy and civic education. Here live people from different ethnic groups and until 2017 the citizens used the spare where we plant trees as landfill. The pollution has a high level due to this fact. Through our project, bringing together the community and involved them in planting activities we want to promote social cohesion between citizens who come from different ethnic groups and to promote a clean and green environment. New Trees for New Life is a social responsibility project, which was created in order to increase the awareness of the community in Lipănești village, Prahova county, regarding the importance of protecting the environment.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target group consists in 500 citizens and volunteers from Lipanesti village and other relevant stakeholders, no matter ages, but we will encourage young people to be involved in. All participant will participate at workshops about planting trees and how to care about the environment and after that they will have the opportunities to put in practice their knowledge during the planing sessions.

How do you plan to get there?

The members of our NGO will meet to further share all the tasks that there will be. The first step will be to give the project an identity (logo, website and social media) and to increase its visibility. Then the call for planting and workshops and contacting local and regional institutions to help us reach as many candidates interested as possible. We will make an info guide where we will explain the whole process and the project steps. During the planting sessions we will ensure the visibility and the dissemination of the project in order to be sure that our voice is heard and we represent a good example for others.

What are the expected results?

500 people from Lipanesti village will be informed about what means clean environment and how important is to plant trees and to be careful with the environment.
10000 trees will be planted during the planting sessions which will be organized during the implementation period of the project (12 months). During this time we will organized sessions planting in November 2020, March 2021 and November 2021.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

New Trees for New Life is a tool through we will strengthen active citizenship at local and community level. Volunteers and local population will participate at forest process and they will understand better the whole process of planting, the importance of planting trees and because we will involved them in these activities, they will feel to be part of the community and they will be happy of their work. Through this project we offer students the opportunity to participate in workshops dedicated to environmental protection. In these workshops students will discover the methods and techniques they can adopt to be environmentally friendly. These methods are not learnt in schools.

Why is this idea important to you?

Among the participants in the project, the impact we anticipate is closely correlated with the development among them of social skills, the development of civic spirit, solidarity and the desire to get involved in society in order to produce change. In the short term, the project will have an impact on all participants as a result of participating in planting actions and in the workshop for recycling and selective collection of household waste. On long term, through our project we help our country to implement all the objectives that it assume at European level in order to protect the environment.

€ 32000,-

Total budget

€ 32000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff expenses- 10 000 EUR
Equipment for planting sessions - 2 000 EUR
Publicity and information materials expenses- 1 000 EUR
Professional training expenses for planting sessions - 4 000 EUR
Trees costs - 10000 EUR
Maintenance and upkeep of planted trees during the project - 5000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Dear Civic Europe online community feel free to give us your feedback. Thank you!


Georgiana Marcu

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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