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My point of view | Civic Europe
Community development

My point of view

»Choice is our point of power. And when we're not paying attention to our lives, we don't make conscious choices – which means that we're living by habit or by default.« Iyanla Vanzant


Who is behind this?

Zaneta Statevska



Idea pitch

Each of us carries a life story. Full of beautiful moments, first feelings of love, ups and downs, disappointments, as well as the wisdom that could be helpful for other people. Live communication, face-to-face, is even more important today, as modern technology inadvertently alienates us from each other. But we have to ask ourselves - what is my story. What makes me happy and fulfills me, what my actual needs are. How can I help the community where I live? After all - what is my mission?

Where will your project idea take place?

Logatec is located in the Notranjska region, at the junction of the Alpine and Dinaric worlds.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Logatec is a small town where old peasant families and immigrants from urban towns have been living together for over 15 years. Due to the dynamics of modern life, many immigrants don’t have the opportunity to meet and expand their circle of friends, perceive the rich history and culture of the town. There is no strong connection between locals and immigrants, therefore we will try to strengthen their ties through circle dialogue, where we will spread layer by layer different views and needs of individuals. The final product will be a book with collected thoughts and suggestions of all co-creators. The target group is everyone who feels pushed or lonely, wants to perceive and become aware of their thoughts, emotions, and desires, and at the same time to connect with their fellow citizens.

Who are you doing it for?

In Logatec is a lack of possibility to connect people who belong to the age group 50+, live alone or with a partner, or already have adult children, and want to fill the gap after the children leave. Members of the selected target group are highly educated people who work in state institutions as well as in the economic sector. They are retired, either just before retirement or still in employment. The circle dialogue will be dedicated to various topics that we will gather at the meetings, among others we will talk about loneliness, the desire to write, the desire for a better social life, and better connection with the locals.

How do you plan to get there?

1. We will start by presenting the project in different media channels
2. The first meeting of the dialogue will be dedicated to the presentation of individuals
3. The second circle dialogue will be devoted to the internal dialogue of the individual
4. The third will be devoted to the written expression of the individual
5. The fourth circle dialogue will be dedicated to researching the topics or needs of the town
6. The fifth will explore the possibilities for the realization of pre-debated ideas/needs/proposals
7. The last, sixth circle dialogue will be dedicated to reviewing the activities implemented so far
8. The conclusion of the project will be presented in a local newspaper, on local television, on our website, other social platforms

What are the expected results?

The change will be visible in the greater involvement of the participants in our project. More ideas will be produced; we will have more opportunities for socializing and in-depth networking. As for greater interaction with participants, we will prepare special space on our website, where interested individuals will be able to present excerpts from their diaries (anonymously) or publish an essay, or present innovative solutions to current problems in the town. The strength of the group will be reflected in greater connectivity, selfless help, and pleasant company. A teamwork performance will be expressed through a creative and effective set of solutions for the problems in Logatec, and consequently greater success in communication with the public institutions will be achieved.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Each of us has certain needs, expectations, and desires which could be express through circle dialogue. Each co-creator of the circle will have the opportunity to analyze and internalize own wishes and shape them into proposals for a better quality of life in the town.
We will present a set of proposed ideas to the mayor and work together to find ways to improve the lives of locals and define areas for cooperation. An interesting synergy between locals and immigrants will enrich the set circle dialogue, and the added value will certainly be a collection of produced ideas and proposals.

Why is this idea important to you?

When meeting friends, colleagues, neighbors, we often hear that nothing is happening in the city, and people want to be connected, to feel a sense of belonging. We’re aware of the need for socializing, and humanity, which gives us the impetus and will to do as much as possible for our fellow citizens. I must mention an event that has remained in my fond memory. A few years ago, I got a gorgeous handwritten letter sent by an elderly lady along with her diary. She asked me to read the diary. The very fact that someone who doesn't know me offers a place to read about someone's life, her problems, her thoughts, especially her loneliness, as she lived alone in the house, was a shock to me, and at the same time, I felt boundless gratitude for the warm words, which she intended for me.

€ 49500,-

Total budget

€ 49500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs - 30000
Office expenses – 1500
Travel and accommodation costs - 3000
Food - 2000
Training - 5000
Website - 2000
Publishing a book, articles in newspapers, other channels – 6000



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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