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MigrArt | Civic Europe
Social inclusion


Community Network, the scene of common memories and identities


Who is behind this?

Karolyna Nuñez

Asociación La Tregua. Arte y transformación social


Who is joining forces?

Asociación La Tregua. Arte y transformación social


La quinta Pata




Almost we would like to exchange experiences again with: Forum za slobodu odgoja (Croacta); Tog (Turkey); Mypas UK; INCA iT; Conciencia Afro, SOS racism (madrid) and Resistencia Migrante (Valencia)


Idea pitch

Our challenge is to build frameworks for social action, recognizing new forms of organization, participation and exchanges. We will activate a local, civic, and dynamic policy that assume the 'migrant subject' as a political one. This implies a change in the narratives on migration, showing the structural limitations to have a welfare way of living. MigrArt means self-organization to democratize participation, where art means to embody our common memories and identities as migrants.

Where will your project idea take place?

The territory is the migrant bodies in Barcelona (Spain), theirs memories and creative resilience

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

On the surface, Barcelona is shown as a global city where people from all over the world coexist, however, migrated people systematically face institutional and structural forms of exclusion and segregation, often reduced to semi-slavery. The Barcelona of the migrant is not a great European cultural capital, but a Civic Desert, its tourist-cultural offer is alien to the majority. This, far from improving, is reinforced by the multiple crises resulting from the expansion of COVID-19, therefore, one of the greatest challenges we face is to make visible the creative, productive, social and cultural potential of the migrant population, doing it through of bodies and art is to intervene in public space, to be located in places usually unthinkable for the migrant population.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target group is the migrant population in Barcelona that is characterized by its diversity, both of origin and professional, cultural and religious, but also by the transformations that the very conditions of life impose on them when they are mostly forced to work in the submerged economies. We work as an anti-racist association with migrants and spanish organizations that allows articulate people who do not have social, emotional, economic and cultural support networks to transit through migration. We are committed to diversify participation in institutional and community spaces that usually do not include foreign population, through pedagogical and political actions. Some key figures: local community organizations, social economies networks, migrants associations, schools, town-hall

How do you plan to get there?

The methodology pursues empowerment and social organization, in which art is a work tool that allows us to embody and communicate the transformations that emerge in the project. The work strategy is based on collective construction and horizontal participation, incorporating project beneficiaries in the different phases and actions of the following processes:
• Social mapping and systematization of anti-racist and migrant organizations
• Participatory research on identities and collective memories of migrants
• Intervention actions to diversify participation
The phases that are developed in parallel throughout the aforementioned processes: 1.Diagnostic 2.Configuration of work groups 3.Community tables for organization and generation of proposals 3.Training 4.Evaluation and monitoring

What are the expected results?

• Transversalize a critical intercultural perspective in the territory, highlighting diversity, migratory processes and self-management as the basis of community action.
• Contribute to raising awareness of the structural difficulties of migration, and how repressive systems feed back into situations of violation and exclusion
• Generating contextualized knowledge about the active participation of the migrant community in the city
• Generate an active migrant community with common horizons and a collective and circular work agenda. This community can be mobilized, energized by the network community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

MigrArt its a propossal for migrants and spanish people to create a policy for improve their welfare way of living. There voices just need to be legitimized and recognized their role in the community and that its what democracy its about: listening to diverse voices, creating solutions from a dynamic and vibrant community. The political and civic participation that we are proposing is supported by pedagogical actions to legitimatized them and by networks that facilitates legal advice on administrative regularization, provides tools for job placement, supports the housing solution and provides the emotional and affect tools necessary for social cohesion and creating engagement with their new living territory

Why is this idea important to you?

This Idea is the challenge of our life. We are, for the most part, migrated women from southern Europe and Latin America, which is why we live on the front line of discrimination, exclusion and precariousness. Our bodies and our ways of being have been violated by racist and xenophobic policies and seek to dispossess us of our agency. We are convinced that social changes are possible if we organize and create together. From the complementarity that we embody, we have dedicated our professional, emotional and social lives to building fairer and more dignified societies, putting life at the center. The social and affective networks that received us, today are our alliances to face the challenge, those obstacles we now know are dealing with force and collective intelligence.

€ 54080,-

Total budget

€ 49080,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

• Personnel costs: € 43,680: the hiring of 1 project coordinator, 1 researcher and 1 researcher assistant (3 at midday), as well as the hiring of workshop and community management collaborators
• Venue rental: € 7,400: the rental of all the spaces necessary to carry forward the proposed activities (€ 5,000 our own contribution)
• Materials and equipment rental: € 1000: All the necessary materials during the activities
• Travel and accomodation costs: € 1000: Administrative management

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We want you to join us to consolidate networks of associations around Europe that help us to become stronger together. We want to know more about other models of projects that inspire us.



Rebeca Gregson

José Romero Losacco

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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