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Community development, Youth participation and empowerment


Our aim is to unite the local community through students which actively practice the universal virtues, teaching the youngest and together helping the elderly.


Who is behind this?

Stanislava Rasheva

“Blagotvoritel” Foundation



Idea pitch

The project aims to engage the community with the local youth. Through the practice of the universal virtues in our everyday life. The students and teachers will have the opportunity for separate trainings. The students will teach what they have learned to their peers and youngsters. Their task will be to create together a charitable cause helping the elderly from the local community.

Where will your project idea take place?

We will work in three small towns that need support. They are: Ihtiman, Isperih and Kozloduy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The educational focus falls to is on the accumulation of professional knowledge. There is a lack of focus on emotional intelligence, which is why ambition and aggression triumph. Students are looking for opportunities for better professional training in the big cities. The upbringing is limited by patriarchal norms, which often restrict women's rights. Improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups is a priority for us. Motivating locals to empathy, tolerance and active social behavior. Engaging young people to care for the elders at risk; Because the practice of the universal virtues can become a commonly desired and meaningful activity. Opportunity for young people to consciously change their behavior by implementing charitable initiatives for the benefit of their surroundings.

Who are you doing it for?

The project aims to change the general atmosphere in the three settlements. The broad target includes all age groups and representatives of various minorities. The narrow one - we will engage the students to create their community. Motivated by the training, they will make significant changes in their region by implementing a charitable cause. Teaching students to practice the universal virtues and passing on what they have learned to the younger ones will make them more responsible. It will create new friendships and strengthen the ties of the participants. The project will expand the qualification in the educational processes of teachers. It will motivate them to encourage future generations of these priceless virtues. Some of them will be mentors in the cause of their students.

How do you plan to get there?

We will use our 5 years of experience from the "Young doing good" program. Thanks to which 19 charitable initiatives of students have been a fact. As well as the “Virtues” program with 11 years of experience in encouraging teachers, students and parents to work together to build the character of children and young people and develop emotional intelligence. For each city: 1. Through competition, we will make the selection of the young people who will be involved. Followed by training for up to 20 students on "Leadership and project management with charitable initiatives". 2. Training of up to 15 teachers on the topic "Strategies for building a character and a supportive environment in school" (certification course registered in the Ministry of Education and Science). 3. Development of a project that enables young people to work to help their senior citizens. The initiative will be in line with the specifics of the community. 4. The realization of the charitable cause. The students are the main activists, supported by teachers, local authorities and the Charity Foundation. 5. A common closed group for communication will be established for the exchange of experience between the communities of students by cities. 6. There will be 5 online meetings for inspiration with successful people.

What are the expected results?

1. Successfully held competition for selection the students. 2. Conducted training of teachers on the method Virtues - 60 students and 45 teachers. 3. Min. 80 hours for the students on topics of their choice. 4. Min. 60 hours spent by teachers. 5. Min. 500 students, participants in the classes. 6. The successfully implemented 3 charity projects to help of at least 60 elderly. 8. Establishment of communities by Young doing good, which have their own status, motto and regulations, in the tree cities. 9. Held 3 round table events with shared practices. 10. Decent media coverage of the activities.
From the information of the direct beneficiaries we will receive feedback: whether the taught methodology is effective and what change it causes in their behavior and relationships with others.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Goodness is inherent in human nature, but its application is a personal choice. The ways to reduce disunity among ethnic groups include simple but effective strategies. The methodology we use is the practice of the basic virtues in everyday communication in an understandable and practical way. А major factor for the creative development of the individual, for building united communities, for prevention against negative phenomena. We believe that by creating this opportunity for cohesion in the community, we work in two directions: to build character in young people. And their preparation for the roles they will play as senior citizens. This will ensure the peace of the future society. This combination also contains our vision of a society built on the education of the mind and heart.

Why is this idea important to you?

In the chosen cities we have contact with teachers who had developed projects with their students. Their applications were not been selected. But from it we know the needs of the community. On this principle, we chose the locations. They will be our local coordinators. Project manager - Stanislava Rasheva, with experience in project management and organizing national competitions. Coordinator and PR Olga Ivanova / with experience as a volunteer and project manager with young people /; Trainer Marina Clarkson psychologist, teacher and author of a handbook for teachers. She actively teaches students from preschool to 12th grade. She works on building emotional maturity and character resilience. And improving relationships and supporting self-knowledge of students, parents and educators.

€ 30850,-

Total budget

€ 30850,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Lecturers and experts fees, certificates 5850
Budget for three charitable causes 3300
Office expenses - stationery (for brochures, survey paper, batteries, laptop etc.) 1600
PR and Communication 1200
Organization of events 1600
Legal advice, data protection 400
Travel and accommodation costs 2150
Staff 9500
Refreshment 3100
Photographer 1200
Accounting 1200
Unexpected costs 200

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be grateful for any constructive comment, remark, or additional ideas to expand our project.



Idea created on April 12, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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