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Community development

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Storytelling of LGBTI lives


Who is behind this?

Robert Pakan



Who is joining forces?

Drama Queer



Idea pitch

LGBTI lives matters and we would like to build and strenght community of LGBTI people and via storytelling we will bring their lives closer to majority. We will spread stories of people from past and also people living in present. By intruducing a real live of LGBTI people we will create more tolerant and accepting enviroment in our society. Activities we will preserve in database
The acceptance and tolerance is low and increasing number of hatred is alarming!

Where will your project idea take place?

Bratislava,Košice - Slovakia
Prague - Czech Republic
Belegrade - Serbia
Budapest - Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The hatrage from far right wing eleborate is enormous. Hatespeech from politicians and society is no longer acceptable. We hope we can change mind or people how they see on LGBTI minority and they will find just a little bit of acceptace for them.
Recent FRA surveys show us that Slovaks do not want to have gay or lesbian neighbors. They also say that they have never met or know lesbians and gays.

Who are you doing it for?

LGBTI seniors - people who can give us testimonies about history of LGBTI movement after 1989.
LGBTI youngsters
LGBTI decisions makers
LGBTI allies
LGBTI participants in community center and cumminity live.

Our idea is to create a safe space where LGBT people find the opportunity to tell their story and explain to them that LGBT rights are human rights. LGBTI people are not second-class people.

How do you plan to get there?

we create:
- community Center
- An online space to tell the stories of LGBT people;
- historical research of LGBTI people;
- discussions and lectures that will educate the youngesters and elder members of society;
- Create platform for discussion with decisions makers and
and rational people with whom one can communicate on a professional and decent level
- Animated explanatory videos

What are the expected results?

Our goal is to sensitize the population to the following topics: human rights, tolerance, non-discrimination and the acceptance of the minority by majority.
By explanatory videos we will inform major population about real numbers about LGBTI people and statistics.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Only by knowing and openly informing about the lives and destinies of LGBTI people can we alleviate the wave of hatred and increase the level of acceptance and tolerance in our society.
We want to encourage more gays, lesbian and transgender people to live openly and tell their story.
There is no LGBTI community center in Slovakia, we want to create a safe space that will support, help and include LGBTI people, because their lives matters.

Our idea is to create a safe space where LGBT people find the opportunity to tell their story and explain to them that LGBT rights are human rights. LGBTI people are not second-class people.

Why is this idea important to you?

It is alarming direction that Slovakia has choosen and has taken in recent years. The fact that no same-sex couple relationships are legalized is painful for human lives.
What's worse is the increasing number of hate attacks and hate speech. These can be seen not only among ordinary people, but also in politicians and other decisions makers. The society is presented with a distorted picture of the LGBTI community, which is demonized, and we want to change this by objectively informing about the lives of LGBTI people.

€ 59500,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Major expenses:
Rental of premises: 7000 EUR - community center
Personnal costs: 13000 EUR - project coordinator, webmaster, asistant of project coordinator, graphic designer,
Expert fees: 7000 EUR - explenational videos, psychologists sociologists, human rights activists
Travel and Accomodation: 1000 EUR
PR: 5000 EUR
Information campaign: 7000 EUR
Material - 500 EUR (refreshments and books)
Video content and video makers - 9000 EUR - cost of full HD profesional videos (30 videos)

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to gain more knowledge about community life in other countries. Knowledge of how to cooperate at the international level and how to promote the values ​​of the European Union.






Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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