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Little Buda Project - InFarm | Civic Europe
Education and research, Youth participation and empowerment

Little Buda Project - InFarm

A pedagogical farm, where kids can come and learn how to plant, work the soil, grow animals and all the basic principles of living in harmony with nature.


Who is behind this?

Tomas Breyner

The Little Buda project


Who is joining forces?

Little Buda project


We want to creat partnerships with more farms and ecological/permaculture projects. to creat a web where we can all help each other. taking care of the earth, taking care of the people, and fair share


Idea pitch

The Little Buda project wants to creat a pedagogical farm where kids can come and learn about taking care of nature, taking care of humans and how to apply a fair share in this world. Here we going to learn about seed, trees, work with soil, grow animals, create vegetable gardens, natural building, etc. A kind of forest school, focused on how to bring back the connection with nature. Meditation, storytelling, arts and crafts, hands on, are some of the activities we will do here.

Where will your project idea take place?

Azeitao village

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

All the houses, farms, etc are very spread here and people dont feel motivated to move very much. People miss the contact with nature, and if we build and set up a project that will make them interact with nautre and also other families/people, is the perfect matching.

Who are you doing it for?

we are doing this specially for kids, starting at age 3, of course after all family will be engaged in coming and staying, but our main focus is the young generations that we feel they really need to interact, specially after all the covid measures of social distance. Its a must kids play with each auto regulate themselves, its a natural process of their growth.

How do you plan to get there?

The farm is already here, we already have some animals, some vegetable gardens, a tools workshop house, and 1 house with a bedroom, kitchen and living room. To turn this little place into a pedagogical farm we need to build more buildings for example: a common living area, a common kitchen, more toilets, etc. We have electricity and water, we just need some more basic infrastructures.

What are the expected results?

we excpect to see happiness, compasion , respect, love and harmony between all that will come here. I am sure this place will turn into a beautiful sacred place, I am sure everyone will simply love to hear that Little Buda project has its own farm and pedagogical school. It will be absolutly wonderful!

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We want to be the change we want to happen in the world. Thats why we need to start inspire others to do the same in other villages, and that later this will come to politicians and they can observe how powerful it is this. The reconection with nature is a MUST in nowadays. People are desperatly asking for this!

Why is this idea important to you?

I am the founder and the head of this project, I am the owner of the farm, and i have a lot of experience in starting projects. After I want to bring my wife, and one more friend of ours to help in the daily tasks. If need, for events, we will join more local people to our team.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

The main costs will be infrastrucutres, salary payments of team, workshops/courses.
. workshops / courses for our own development 2000€
. round doom structure (common living space). 8,000€
. 2 toilets and 2 showers (changing room). 5000€
. animals structures, food, maintenance. 10 000€
. water and electricity costs
. common kitchen. 3000€
. salaries 2000€
. marketing
. others

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

i am always open to receive new ideais...specially realted on how to manage a farm, new ideias about working with animals, soil, vegetables etc. Also advice regarding new ways of interacting with social media.


tomas breyner

Mira vine

Idea created on April 15, 2021
Last edit on April 16, 2021

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