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Social inclusion, Community development


Building a bridge between children with normal and special educational needs through Fairplay Football


Who is behind this?

Iványi Jr. Gábor

Chance-creating Public Benefit Foundation for John Wesley Elementary and High School students


Who is joining forces?

Oltalom Sport Association


Szeged Member Institution of St. Benedict Secondary School and Primary School of Art



Idea pitch

The main activity field of our foundation is the development of the students with special educational needs in the Wesley School with vulnerable and Roma children.
Oltalom Sports Association provides a proved method that overcomes resistance and rejection of vulnerable groups in society through Fairplay Football. The students of the St. Benedict Secondary School Szeged have normal background.
We build bridges between social groups with a Fair Play Football contest.

Where will your project idea take place?

Szeged, South-East Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Roma children or/and children with special educational needs are usually excluded.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group of the project is the students of the two schools, the teachers, the parents and the passers-by of the town. We invite representatives of the local police station, fire service and the municipality of Szeged. Various institutions from local communities will be invited in order to deepen the experience of cooperation between different interest groups.

How do you plan to get there?

During the 4-month implementation period, mediator training, preparatory training according to the rules of football3, and then a tournament between the 2 schools will take place.
Activity 1: Dóm square opening football match.
Activity 2: Fair Play mediator training for maximum 10 students selected from the age group those 16-18 years from the 2 schools. OSA provides the of football3 method.
Activity 3: Fair Play football championship with the participation of the two schools; preparatory football training preparatory football training led by physical education teachers.

What are the expected results?

If the idea will be selected, the Fair Play Football contest between the 2 schools (or hopefully with involvement other institutions) will be organized yearly.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

OSA applies a special, a so-called football3 system of rules. This means that there is no referee on the pitch he/she is replaced by socially sensitive mediators help the teams to discuss and form the rules of the matches together. Each and every fair gesture and deed deserve their own point, the fair play winner of the contests is the team the members of which collected the most fair play points. Through this teams who would never meet are playing together and get know each other. The aim of football3 and Fair Play Football Roadshow is to reduce stereotypes and enable participants to stand up for their rights, articulate their opinion. Social groups in conflict will experience each other on the pitch in different roles than that of they experienced each other before in everyday life.

Why is this idea important to you?

In line with the goals of our organization, we consider it important to promote the integration of our disadvantaged students and our experience shows that sport as a common denominator is an effective way to bring the parties closer together. It cultivates cooperation while passing on values.

€ 15490,-

Total budget

€ 15490,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Mediator training (meal, rent of room, travel expenses, cost of training) 707 EUR
Opening football match on the Dóm square (meal for 200 people, rent of the venue, promotion) 3.478 EUR
Sportequipments (jersey, shoes, ball, wicket, net, treads, goalkeeper gloves, skill tools, skipping rope etc. for the 2 schools) 8.696 EUR
Presentation tools for the training 174 EUR
Projectteam and office for 4 months 2.435 EUR


Esélyteremtő Wesley Iskola

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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