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Social inclusion, Community development


Use the exchange of learning and life stories between people at risk of social exclusion due to social characteristics and people with intellectual functional diversity and Down Syndrome


Who is behind this?

Mamen Buigues

Fundación Asindown



Idea pitch

to approach the neighbourhoods with greater risk of social exclusion, especially to focus on groups of women in the process of recovery from abuse and to carry out learning exchanges, in which it is the people with functional diversity who teach emotional intelligence to these women and they teach them coping strategies for life. Give value to the life of both groups and find in the difference a new possibility to see life with other eyes.

Where will your project idea take place?

In the preferential action neighbourhoods within the metropolitan area of the city of Valencia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

These are poor neighbourhoods in which women are a group with fewer opportunities, a greater range of abuse and violence, in which the social services of the area cannot cover all the necessary therapeutic needs and that by generating these groups we open up the possibility of meeting groups that are also disadvantaged but for other reasons, to help each other, that these women are teachers of life and that people with disabilities, who are never disabled, are also disabled, will increase their self-esteem and autonomy, which is our common objective. We think that exclusion, whatever the group is, can be stopped through knowledge and information, these groups will nourish each other generating new synergies Helping to fill the gaps in social services

Who are you doing it for?

groups of women who are at risk of social exclusion, who belong to a dysfunctional family and who are in the process of social rehabilitation, and groups of people with Down's syndrome and other disabilities over the age of 25 who are both active in work and unemployed, Groups of 10 people would be held, five with disabilities and five women. In Valencia there are nine neighbourhoods of preferential action, so we would work with about 100 people

How do you plan to get there?

First by making contacts with the local social services, selecting the target groups in which to intervene. Once this has been done, select the people with Down's syndrome or other Asindown disabilities who are motivated, sensitive and have the skills to be able to carry out this process in a longitudinal manner over time, who also, as we have mentioned before, are in the middle of their life process and who have a need to develop their self-esteem and autonomy. Once the groups are done, we go into action on a weekly basis and guided by a therapist who will help to organize the sessions and

the inter and intra-group objectives, as well as the individual work with each of the participants, involving the neighborhood collectives.

What are the expected results?

The expected results are the generalization of this type of treatment in other groups with post-traumatic stress and that it can mixed sessions in its treatments with these disadvantaged groups, above all that people with down syndrome and disability become the bearers of well-being and collaborators in the creation of a healthier community on an emotional level that sees them as an active and giving part, not as mere listeners and receivers, We hope to be able to reach other peoples, other areas and other groups, as well as to open the range to other age groups, especially the elderly and those in the process of aging

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

They are two historically invisible collectives, we are sure that together they will add more visibility, they will be heard more, and in each neighborhood they will be heard and above all seen within the normality, the rest of the citizenship tends to stigmatize them or to see them with pity, and they are marginalized, they are seen as weak, that is why we are going to empower them making them strong seeing that they are capable of helping themselves, understanding each other and generating their own resources for the day to day. The rest of the community has to see them in action, not lagging behind in the social system.Both groups need a multitude of resources throughout their life cycle, thus helping to promote the care of the other and the inclusion of groups

Why is this idea important to you?

This idea is born from the motivation to generate changes in our direct action environment, from one to one, or face to face, from the closest, from the idea that to change the world we must first try with the one we have closest, and from the premise that each person has an invaluable value that only reveals itself when it is put in the right place and in the right place. Many of these people believe that the world, or society, is no longer a good place to exist, their life experience has shown them the opposite, with this project, I just want them to be able to see and feel that other realities exist, that a better world is possible and above all that this world can pass through their hands. I want them to recover their faith in human beings, working with the most human of things.

€ 53000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

- Human Resources: 34.400
- Displacement: 3.000
- Advertising: 2.000
- Business events: 1.500
- Office expenses: 1.000
- Unforeseen expenses: 1.500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I would like to know what dimensions or weaknesses you see in the project, in its idea and its practicality


Fundación Asindown


Idea created on May 26, 2020

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