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LGBTI+ Center: a place where you are welcome | Civic Europe
Human rights, Social inclusion

LGBTI+ Center: a place where you are welcome

Creating a LGBTI+ center to promote support and advice to young people, families and professionals. We also intend to develop various activities to raise awareness and promote citizenship.


Who is behind this?

Carlos Oliveira

Caminho para o Futuro - Casa do Povo de Fermentões


Who is joining forces?

Public Schools


Local Health Center


We have more partners with experience in working in the field of LGBTI+ with whom we have been in contact and with whom we will develop our activities.


Idea pitch

The aim of the project is to fill a gap that exists in the Minho region and others bordering it, that is, the lack of a support center for the LGBTI + population. We intend to provide support and advice to young people, families and professionals. In this way, we set out for awareness and information activities, but also for the training of these groups. We believe that we can help to promote LGBTI + rights.

Where will your project idea take place?

Guimarães, AVE region, and other cities in the North of Portugal

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Portugal there are only 3 support centers for the LGBTI + population: two are located in Lisbon and the other in Matosinhos (about 50 km from Guimarães). This means that North de Potugal does not have the necessary coverage to support this population. On the other hand, initiatives in this area are incipient and without much impact, unless they are located in large urban centers (for example Porto and Matosinhos). We intend to debate this topic in various contexts - schools, NGOs, health centers - and to create dynamics in the community that allow us to question and reflect prejudices and stereotypes. We want the LGBTI + center to be a catalyst for positive changes. We also want to be a safe place for those who need support and someone to be a listener without any kind of judgments.

Who are you doing it for?

Our project has as its priority target different groups of people: LGBTI+ children, youngsters and adults; families of LGBTI+ children and youngsters; professionals of social, education, health services and others that need conselling and training. We want to work directly with children, youngsters and adults that face troubles for being LGBTI+ and need someone to listen to them, to give support and counseling. We also want to work with families that do not know how to react, support or even accept that a son or a daughter is coming out as LGBTI+ . Other groups that we want to work with are the professionals from many services that work directly or indirectly with LGBTI+ population and need some orientation or even training courses to learn more about it.

How do you plan to get there?

The center is opened 5 days a week, with a schedule in the morning, afternoon and end of afternoon. When needed the center can be open on weekends. In the center the team is available to give informations, support and orientation and even to contact other organizations or public services when it is needed. We will have psychological , social and educational approaches.
We will also use non-formal education methologies in our activities, in ways that everyone can be more active and experiential in the construction of their learning processes. We want people active, aware and motivated during the activities.
We will contact schools NGO’s, public services to implement activities and also to inform of the existence of the center.
Workshops and training courses to empower professional from NGO’s, schools and other public services.
We want to reach not only urban centers but also rural areas in the North of Portugal with local actions, not only to inform about the existence of our center and contacts but also promoting activities in schools and other contexts. We believe that promoting these initiatives, we can spread the word and empower some local persons to work with us in local projects.

What are the expected results?

We expect that our center will allow LGBTI+ with any support to find a place where they are welcome. We hope to serve people from the north of Portugal and refer them properly to the services they need. We also experience that, in terms of results, families will feel accompanied and clarified in the acceptance process. We also have the expectation that several professionals will be trained in the LGBTI+ field. We will provide more activities in some areas where LGBTI+ are still a controversial theme to talk about. With that we will allow LGBTI+ people from those areas to be informed about our center where they can find support. We do not present any % for our results because our center will be the first local service in our region to work directly with LGBTI+ population.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In Portugal the LGBT+ centers are located in Lisbon and Matosinhos (near Porto), distant cities from the rural areas. Since LGBT+ individuals feel isolated there,it is difficult for them to reach those big urban centers. So, why not a center closer to them? Our idea aims to help LGBT+ groups and families, and also to develop and activities with them. In doing so, we hope to strengthen active citizenship by engaging local LGBT+ individuals in activism initiatives. More thatnthat we want to be close to those LGBTI+ people in needs. Promoting the contact locally, using key services of the community and empower them, we believe we are contributing to the social and active participation. We will use, as told before, NFR mythologies and constructive dialogues between different social actors.

Why is this idea important to you?

We have been working in the social services since 2006, so this team has a lot of experience working with different organizations (network projects, non formal education methologies, support and counseling) and different vulnerable social groups. We are also well area of the social services legislations and we have great knowledge of the NGO’s and public services it the region where the center is located and in the North of the country. This idea was brought to life because we are aware how difficult can be to a person who faces prejudices our other ways of bullying but there is any local service he/she can contact to share this problem. We want to break the walls of homophobia, make our country even more inclusive.

€ 39000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human Resources: 30000€
Logistic costs: 4000€
Pedagogical end educational material: 2000€
Other office expenses (communications, cleaning, ect): 1500€
Transportation expenses and travel costs: 1500€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive ideas and advices about how can we ensure sustainability of the project. But any other advices, feedback or comments are welcome. We are here to learn and to improve our project so, share your comments with us.




Idea created on April 24, 2021
Last edit on April 24, 2021

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