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Let’s work together! | Civic Europe
Community development

Let’s work together!

Encouragement and attraction of young people to the activities of the public funds in Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo


Who is behind this?

Nataliya Kostadinova

First of June Association



Idea pitch

The public donation funds in Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo are set up with the support of “First of June” Association and are functioning to improve the quality of life of the local people. The funds are managed by Donation Councils in which young people aren’t involved. Our goal is to attract young people to actively participate in the Donation Councils. We plan to make this happen through a series of trainings of 63 young people.

Where will your project idea take place?

Northwestern Bulgaria, settlements of the Municipalities of Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Northwestern Bulgaria is one of the poorest regions in the European Union (Eurobarometer report, October 2019). It’s characterized by a poor demographic picture, strong depopulation, high unemployment, low turnout and not many active civic and youth organizations. The poor regions aren’t of priority to the politicians and this has a negative impact on the democratic values and on the social cohesion. Through this project we will try to positively influence the retention of young people at local level, for their more active participation and for bettering their level of education and qualification. If we do not work on the depopulation and on the quality of the workforce, in time there will be no employees and specialists in fields that have great impact on the quality of life.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group includes 63 young people from Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo. Young people of Roma origin and young females are included in this number.
About 55,000 people live in the 27 settlements of the three municipalities. Young people don’t have access to non-formal civic education, especially on topics related to civic rights, participation in decision-making and empowerment. The topics and the skills, which we’re proposing are related to the active citizenship and aim at the development of young people. The access to information on important topics, such as sustainable development, resource mobilization and participation in decision-making, can help form behaviors through which the individual is part of the community in which he lives and can contribute to it.

How do you plan to get there?

I. The training program „Let’s work together!” will be conducted for 63 young people in the following two-day modules: 1. Cooperation for development and Local Communities Development, 2. Mobilization of local resources. Philanthropy, 3. Leadership. Teamwork. Volunteerism, 4. Empowerment. „How to sell ideas”, 5. „Working together” – making up short-term (between 6 and 8 months) plans for fundraisers with the help of representatives of the Donation Councils in the period: December 2020 – March 2021.
The final module 5 will be held outside of the three municipalities.
II. Implementation of the short-term plans for fundraisers by the young people – participants in “Let’s work together!” in the Municipalities of Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo in the period: May – November 2021.

What are the expected results?

The management of the public funds in the Municipalities of Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo will consist of active young people. It will be a success for us to give young people an opportunity to invent, propose and implement ideas with fundraising purposes on their own, and as well as for them to see how they practically can influence the life of the local community and their own lives. We expect the participation of young people in the activities of the public funds to have a positive impact on public attitudes towards the volunteerism and philanthropy at local level, as well as inspire more people to become donators.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By empowering young people and including them in the Donation Councils of the Public Funds we will enable them to participate more actively as citizens at local level, including young people from different ethnic backgrounds, as well as young women. The youngsters will gain skills, which will help them be more active not only in the environment in which they live, but also in terms of their personal development. The active participation and the adherence to the non-discrimination principles will encourage the young people to dispute and seek solutions to problems at local level, as well as encourage them to create and implement initiatives. This will be a prerequisite for their representation of and involvement in the local government, as well as for strengthening the democracy.

Why is this idea important to you?

This idea is very important to us as we’re in need of young and like-minded people and their participation in activities like these would encourage them to dwell on their goals, personal development and realization.

€ 36500,-

Total budget

€ 35500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Аdministrative costs – 5000 €
Equipment (a laptop, multimedia projector, screen for the multimedia projector) - 3000 €
Travel and accommodation costs – 6000 €
Training materials – 1500 €
Staff costs - 18 000 €
Advertisement costs – 2000 €
Own contribution, provided by a partner - 1000 € (for office rent)

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We expect advice that is relevant to our goal and to what we want to achieve.




Idea created on May 21, 2020
Last edit on May 24, 2020

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