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Let's make Anhovo shine again | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Let's make Anhovo shine again

The cleanest countryside in Slovenia


Who is behind this?

Mateja Sattler

Eko Anhovo in dolina Soče, društvo za naravovarstvo in okoljevarstvo


Who is joining forces?

CI Danes


Municipality of Kanal ob Soči



Idea pitch

Anhovo with surroundings is one of the most degraded areas in Slovenia due to heavy industry and asbestos use in the past. Severely affected by the industrial pollution is facing demographic, environmental and social challenges. Our aim is to save this village and make it the cleanest in Slovenia! We would like to hit the highest recycling rate among the slovenian towns and set the positive example of how an ugly duck can become a swan!

Where will your project idea take place?

Anhovo, Soča Valley, Slovenia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We face challanges as demographic decline, social issues, lacking of community spirit and negative reputation caused by industrial pollution. Local authorities are not awared of the potental dangerous that can be caused by industrial pollution. By adressing the local groups we aim to rise the awerness of living in clean environment and encourage local people to become active

Lack of the community engagement and willingness to participate and demographic decrease of population. Many young people have moved away and are not engaged to the community life. We would like to encourage them to participate and try to establish the cleanest village in Slovenia. Despite not good reputation caused by industrial pollution and incineration plant based nearby, we will give Anhovo back its shine

Who are you doing it for?

We are doing it for our community. We would like to gain the village of Anhovo its old fame back amd might become the future tourist destination and example of positive story based on successful eco project. We would like to bring the community back together and encourage the local food and service providers to come back to Anhovo. We would like to make the community young and vibrant!

How do you plan to get there?

We will prepare and coordinate a detailed project and set the roles for all participants. We will provide all the necessary online and ground support and coordinate the partnerrs in project. We plan to kick off the national media cover. In cooperation with the municipality and elementary schools, we try to establish the net of local residents that will make a part of a project, we will also organize workshops for them. We will establish cooperation with public utility service providers in volunteers and try to provide access to the service. We urgently need to increase the share of sseparately collected waste, as this is one of the main purposes of the project and the foundation of a cleaner environment.

What are the expected results?

The small industrial village of Anhovo will become the cleanest area in Slovenia with the highest percent of separately collected waste, leading with recycling, with beautifully landscape and clean river banks. Anhovo will become a positive sample of bringing back the community and building an old new village and became a tourist attraction

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The way the project is build, it would empower civic society to participate.

Why is this idea important to you?

Mateja Sattler,
Miha Stegel,
Anastazija Makorič Bevčar
Slavica Bavdaž

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

20.000 € administrative and ful time employment (coordinator)
3.000 € travel costs
5.000 € media cover costs
4.000 € outsourcing
3.000 € legal help

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?



Eko Anhovo

Idea created on April 26, 2021

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