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Let's Inspire The Children | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Let's Inspire The Children

We will motivate students from the municipality of Devin to become proactive citizens by initiating democratic dialogues with the respective authorities regarding the development of the region.


Who is behind this?

Ekaterina Hristova

To Hold A Child Association



Idea pitch

Through interactive activities, we will introduce basic democratic principles to the students from five different schools in Devin District. We will involve them in a community dialogue with the respective authorities providing opportunities to share their ideas and vision for the development of the region. Students will improve their abilities to support their views as citizens through role-playing and multiple social and art activities. Our goal is to prevent depopulation in the region.

Where will your project idea take place?

The municipality of Devin, Southern Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Challenges faced by locals are a lack of communication, stress as a result of depopulation, limited access to healthcare and poverty. Therefore, our aim is to strengthen the local youths' understanding of democratic principles and establish community dialogue as a key motivator for the sustainable development of their community. it's critically important to initiate actions in strengthening the education sector, taking into account alternatives for the future professional development of local children. To give an example, we will train students how to initiate a discussion with authorities in order to present their needs and priorities. We will also introduce the mindset of being an active citizen and participation and cooperation between members of the future society in the region.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target groups are the students from five local schools. The total number of students in these schools is 731. There are 13 students in the school in Trigrad, 54 students in the school in Gyovren, 26 students in the school in Nastan District, 52 students in the school in Grohotno and 586 students in the school in Devin. We will divide the participants into groups according to their age and/or the total number of the students in the schools, e.g.: 1-4 grade, 5-8 grade, 9-12 grade. The program and activities will be according to their age and interests. We will present the study material in a comprehensive manner, involving the students and maintaining their attention.

How do you plan to get there?

Project implementation steps:
1. We will introduce the project's idea to the local community and attract volunteers. The second step would be to train them and introduce the detailed plan of the project's program.
2. Students who are to participate in the project will be divided into groups, according to the total number of students in their school and/or their age. We will study the needs and ideas of children using methods of play for minors, surveys, etc.
3. Our team will present to the students the structure and competences of public authorities in a comprehensive and interesting way taking their age into consideration.
4. While discussing in groups students will share their point of view and ideas regarding everyday issues in the place they live in and their community.
5. Solutions to the above mentioned problems will be found together and implemented through role-playing. This activity will teach them how to address the competent authorities.
6. Students will share their vision and ideas for the necessary changes and improvements in their town/village through painting, writing essays, and other creative ways. The second step in this activity would be to create a group collage or painting expressing their ideas.
7. Our team will help students summarize their requests and address the competent institutions with an official letter.

What are the expected results?

The representatives of the authorities will take into consideration students' opinion and acknowledge it, forming their understanding that children are active participants in the community and can provide useful ideas to bring about change and improvement. Children and adults alike will be involved in active citizenship roles. The community will voice out their civil rights and capacity for dialogue with the institutions will be built, in order to broaden the perspectives for growth and professional realization opportunities in the region. Hence, we will catalyze the process of improvement of the conditions in the students' local communities. By the end of the project, we will summarize the art work created by the students and compile a book.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Young people will be acquainted with the structure, actions and competences of government institutions. Students will be able to face and resolve specific challenges. This way they will be involved in a dialogue and receive support by the community on which their future in the region depends. We will guide them how to choose between the possible alternatives and be able to work for change, leading to the support of the whole community. We are planning to organize an exhibition as a closing event where representatives of the government authorities and media will be invited and the students can personally introduce their ideas and support their civil position.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are aware of the problems of the region since the project manager visits the place often for the past decade. She shared the experience with us and all together we understood the importance of investing our time and expertise to help and increase civic engagement and youth participation. We are aware of the civic landscape and the challenges in the region. Our team consists of two social workers with more than 20 years of professional experience and a legal professional with 3 years of experience. Because of our deep understanding of the local problems we are highly motivated to implement our project.

€ 32000,-

Total budget

€ 32000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Travel and accommodation: 5100 €
Volunteer training: 100 €
Art materials and tools for the students: 1360 €
Office supplies: 320 €
Administrative costs: 1400 €
Personnel: 18800 €
Publishing expenses for 1000 books: 3400 €
Advertising materials: 700 €
Closing event: 820 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would appreciate your feedback.


Association To hold a child


Idea created on April 24, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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