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Environment and sustainability, Youth participation and empowerment


HOW TO KEEP PLASTIC AWAY FROM OUR HOMES AND DAYLY COMSUMERISM. To change our habits from using plastic packaging to other alternatives –#ownbag, #paperbag #refill #veding_machine.


Who is behind this?


Mini-art foundation



Idea pitch

We plan to promote plasicless shopping in Sofia city center by providing application for consumers to know where and what they can shop plasticless . The plastic is the best material for packaging of all the goods we buy. We are not able fully to replace it, and it is very difficult to recycle, hence we need to find ways to use it less. If our consumer culture evolves and the trade of goods changes from shelves with packed goods to refill stations, we`ll be able to minimize the plastic waste.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will start in one municipality in Sofia and can grow at any point of the globe

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The challenge is to reduce the plastics pollution.
People in general state that they would like to contribute to the environmental protection of our planet however when it comes to an extra effort not everyone remembers or can manage in their busy days. That is why we think that there is need for easier access to such solutions and using those should be incentives – both for consumers but also for the shops.
Plastic is the most used material in packaging, and it is highly toxic to the environment and very pricy to recycle. Therefore, the only way is to decrease its use dramatically.
Traditional shopping habits are difficult to be changed with higher alternative cost. Awareness and Social appreciation will decrease this cost

Who are you doing it for?

The target is the young generation who are more likely to change their habits. But we are not limiting the age or the geographic region – we would like to reach every single person with our message for zero plastic waste from our households.
Shops leaders in bulk sales and plasticless packaging. Their example and inspiration will be the foundation of network of consumers and retailers advocating for plasticless shopping

How do you plan to get there?

1. Application for consumers to shop plasticless in the Sofia city center – we will select one of the three municipalities in the center – Oborishte, Triaditza and Serdika and will map all shops which are offering plastic less packaging. Information will be update by the shops on their products
2. Website to provide information on good practices, facilitate discussions, provide webinars and online and live meetings and conferences on the responsible use of plastic and plastic less packaging
3. Network of young leaders to provide content of the web-site, to map the shops and to raise awareness about the plasticless shopping.
4. Gold, Silver and Bronze sticker for shops who would like to increase the products they sell plasitcless and promote their efforts. Building labeling standard for plasicless shops
5. Partnership with the municipalities for incentives for the shops selling products without use of plastic
6. Partnerships with the big stores to promote plastic-less packaging and refill stations

What are the expected results?

To introduce best practices for bulk distribution to the largest chain stores.
To promote those practices to the society with the web site, and with personal meetings and events.
To introduce a sign for recognition – for Plastic free shop, which could be awarded in cooperation with the local municipality.
To be able to measure the percentage of bulk versus packed goods in a shop and then to promote those recognized shops through the web site as the local example of good practices.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

At local level
The idea is to promote and support the plastic-less shopping in several neighborhoods in Sofia where the environmentally friendly lifestyle already exists but still does not flourish. The network of young people promoting the plastic-less shopping by visiting shops, making campaigns and online content will become a popular movement in the city center of Sofia and more people will be contaminated by the idea and will actively participate.
At Global level
We are dedicated to promote the plastic-free future of our planet. And we are trying to promote this culture to a larger community – to engage them with the problem, to encourage them to change the consumer's culture. If the consumer refuses to buy goods wrapped in plastics, this will force the manufacturers to avoid it.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are young citizens who would like to build a better world to live together. We understand more and more how much we are connected to the nature and that we will not be able to survive unless we do not change ourselves.
We believe that everyone should contribute, and this is our contribution – to help reducing the plastic packaging
We feel that we need to educate the consumer, so the reduction in the use of packaging is dictated by the buyer. And we are optimistic, that by encouraging the distributors to use bulk, we`ll encourage the manufacturers to produce unpacked goods.
We are sure that the easiest thing is to bring our own bottles and boxes. And to make the choice to minimize our carbon footprint on Earth.

€ 13900,-

Total budget

€ 13900,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Web site development – € 9400
Web site management – € 200
Web site content and editor, content management – € 2000
Design and printing of stickers – € 1000
Accountant – € 350
Administrative expenses,7% - € 950

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be happy to hear for any good practices for reduction of plastic use and especially for different policies, which can be applied in our town.


Lia Kuzmova

Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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