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League of Local Heroes | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

League of Local Heroes

Strengthening the infrastructure of civil society by supporting the development of NGOs from small localities serving young people at risk of social exclusion


Who is behind this?

Marta Kanarkiewicz

MODE Foundation- Move and Develop Foundation


Who is joining forces?

RCWIP- Regionalne Centrum Wspierania Inicjatyw Pozarządowych



Idea pitch

Society can’t grow without strong civic actors. Their absence leads to increasing inequalities and exclusion of some groups. Social capital is wasted, trust isn’t fostered. Many NGOs working in towns and villages of Lower Silesia lack certain competences and thus can’t fully contribute to the development of civic society. Our project aims to change it. Through needs’ analysis and a series of workshops, using Civil Society Toolbox, we will form a support system which multiplies their potential.

Where will your project idea take place?

Lower Silesia region
Towns and villages below the II tier(county)of local government administration

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Lower Silesia suffers from low levels of social trust, particularly among youngsters (<25 y.o.), and a deficit of social capital. This is particularly true for small towns and villages where pockets of exclusion are a frequent problem. Unfortunately, most places outside large cities lack a well developed culture of civic activity as means of addressing such issues. According to a report (‘The state of Polish NGO sector, 2018’), many organisations lack basic stability and competences - 51% operate only based on volunteering, 66% express urgent need for staff training. In the face of a growing disparity between the region’s capital city and the peripheries, NGOs in those areas need support to overcome key developmental barriers and become more capable as linchpins of local civic activity.

Who are you doing it for?

Direct recipients of activities envisioned under this project will be 5 small NGOs operating locally in small towns and villages of Lower Silesia, working directly with and for youngsters. Over 60% of such NGOs declare they want to broaden the scope of their work and reach more beneficiaries, but lack the necessary knowledge, organisational capacity and/or infrastructure. Indirectly, the project will benefit young people, frequently in danger of social exclusion due to geographical or economic reasons (e.g. living in remote locations, limited access to vital public services, education and labour market). As supported NGOs will broaden and develop their activities, youngsters will be more included in the life and growth of local communities.

How do you plan to get there?

1. 3 Group workshops:
- For staff of the 5 selected NGOs (2 ppl each)
- Topics: 1) management, organisational development; 2) youth work; 3) project development & funding
2. 5 Individual workshops (1 for each NGO):
- Preceded by diagnosis of status & developmental needs specific for each NGO
- Content tailored based on the diagnosis
- The application of Civic Society Toolbox
3. Consultations:
a) Group format (for all 5 NGOs), follow-up to workshops
b) Individual (for each NGO), focused on particular developmental challenges, at any time throughout the project
4. Development plans
Each NGO drafts a development plan for organisational sustainability and/or specific area of activity (potentially including ideas for initiatives), consulted by MODE

What are the expected results?

In the years after the completion of the project, the supported NGOs will operate more sustainably and effectively. Competences gained throughout the project will help them make a much fuller use of their potential and the opportunities available at every level, from localised support tools to national- and European-level programmes. Those organisation which previously grappled with questions regarding their prospects for the future will be equipped to stabilise and professionalise their functioning.

The supported organisations will become more permanent and relevant actors in their local communities. They will be able to initiate new types of activities and engage with a broader portion of local youth, thus ensuring this group is more included in the life of local communities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project aims at supporting small NGOs operating in towns and villages, working directly with and for local communities in places, where civic activity is very low. In particular, we wish to help organisations addressing their work at the youth, which constitute 37% of all NGOs in the region. We believe that engaging with and educating youngsters is absolutely crucial for the future of the civic society. Thanks to support offered under this project, local NGOs will not only gain organisational sustainability, but also broaden the scope of their work and adjust it to the needs of the beneficiaries. Hence, this will strengthen the grassroot-level civic structures and participation - staple feature without which democracy can’t truly function in our communities.

Why is this idea important to you?

A part of our mission and one of our statutory goals is to support other NGOs. We firmly believe that strong, effectively operating civic organisations are vital for social development, the growth of a civic society and, consequently, the functioning of democracy. It is thanks to these entities that local communities can tackle their problems and utilise their full potential through active participation. At the same time, we are aware of the inequalities in access to development opportunities, as many small towns and villages remain ‘civic deserts’. This is why we chose NGOs working in such places as our target group. We focus on entities working with the youth, as we see their work as extremely important for combating exclusion and building social cohesion.

€ 20600,-

Total budget

€ 20600,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Personnel costs:
- Management: 3870 EUR
- Trainers and consultants: 8260 EUR
2. Activities' organisation costs:
- Travel: 1450 EUR
- Catering: 2340 EUR
- Room: 2580 EUR
- Materials (including 5 Civil Society Toolbox cost): 1760 EUR
3. PR and Dissemination: 340 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We’d like to know if NGOs in your regions struggle with similar developmental problems (no sustainable financial model, reliance on volunteering / pro-bono work, temporary nature of initiatives, insufficient competences). Would a project of this kind help? What elements are vital for their growth?




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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