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La Mare que Va – a unique opportuniy for inclusion | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

La Mare que Va – a unique opportuniy for inclusion

LMQV is framed as a training tool towards labour insertion of people with Down’s syndrome and intellectual disability and the creation of an inclusive space


Who is behind this?

Samuel Romero

Fundación Asindown



Idea pitch

The main idea of LMQV is the labour insertion of people with Down’s syndrome and intelectual disability through a training and visibility project. The main objetctive is to facilitate continuous learning for people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities through open, flexible, accessible and structured training in the hotel and catering sector by creating a space of coexistence that connects the business network and public administrations.

Where will your project idea take place?

LMQV will take place in Valencia with a radius of action to the whole region

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Approximately 6% of the population in Spain of working age has a disability according to INE (National Estadistics Institue) data. However, only 1.43% are affiliated with the social security system. Overcoming these barriers requires, therefore, programmes and tools that not only help to overcome them but also provide a springboard for them and for future generations.
We want to face two main challenges:
- The need to promote the social and work inclusion of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability by showing their abilities and the positive aspects of an inclusive environment.
- Weaving networks between social and cultural initiatives and the business world in an open environment that can verify first-hand the most possible aspects of inclusion.

Who are you doing it for?

The training-labour project LMQV has three types of beneficiaries: direct beneficiaries, indirect beneficiaries and social-community beneficiaries.
Direct beneficiaries: people with Down syndrome, intellectual disability, and groups at risk of exclusion resident in the region of Valencia, who will participate directly in the project and therefore benefit from its implementation.
Indirect beneficiaries: Personnel who actively participate in the training or supervision of pre-work practices and who belong to the multidisciplinary team (psychologist, trainers, labour mediators) who participate in the training and insertion process.
Social-community beneficiaries: entities and professionals within the field of training and employment with support, of people with intelectual disabilities.

How do you plan to get there?

The project has been thought out and analysed since September 2018. We have advanced in the collaboration with the City Council of Valencia, the Generalitat Valenciana, many entities of the Valencian business network and social groups. The next steps will focus on the adequacy of the space and the accreditation of the training so that each student can have a certificate of professionalism.
On this scenario we will establish the relationship with the business and social network to fill with attractive content that will serve as a showcase to demonstrate the capabilities of the group.
In January next year we are planning to start with the formation programs and celebrate the first events.

What are the expected results?

The expected results can be classified into 2 areas according to the objective to which they refer:
- The first is to achieve, through training adjusted to the needs of the group, as many decent and fair labour contracts as possible in order to make social and labour inclusion a reality.
- The second objective is to turn this project into a reference space for the generation of new projects, cultural exchange and connection that provides solutions to needs.
For Asindown, it would be a real success to be able to generate quality job insertions at the end of each course and to generate a cultural and social agenda in the space that makes it a living environment of continuous change.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

This project aims to empower people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability to draw up a life project of their own. Specialized training that meets the specific needs of the group is a step towards labor inclusion. This project also aims to connect them with the business, cultural and social fabric, regardless of their environment. The rural environment of Valencia is often disconnected from these experiences and social and labour insertion is even more complicated than in the city itself.
That is why this project aims to open up and be a reference point to replicate itself in as many spaces as necessary, seeking adequate training with the necessary resources and the necessary connections to promote inclusion.

Why is this idea important to you?

Today’s social insertion of adults undoubtedly depends on their active participation in all aspects of social life. In order to focus and make this purpose concrete, it is fundamental to include them in the labour market and to put into operation as many tools as are necessary to promote training adapted to their needs and abilities. The accreditation of these skills is a huge step towards opening up the range of possibilities for a future career, but there is still a long way to go in terms of regulations, economics and society to make this need a reality.

€ 240000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Refurbishment Works: 80.000€
Salaries: 85.000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be very useful for us to receive inspiration and ideas on how to reach out to the business community and convince them that the space created is ideal for their events and meetings and to be able to learn about intellectual disability and understand what it can bring to their business.


Fundación Asindown


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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