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Journey between faith, history and beauty | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development, Sense of belonging that is reflected in civic educ

Journey between faith, history and beauty

Retrace the ancient path of sacred pilgrimages along Via Francigena, to discover the treasures of Alto Casertano, in Italy, in a virtual journey as a real wayfarer


Who is behind this?




Who is joining forces?

Associazione Storica del Medio Volturno




Liceo Galileo Galilei, I.T.I.S. G. Caso


Other Local religious authorities, the Archaeological Museums of Alife and Teano, the Archives & Libraries, Lithuanian Association TOPARTURISMO , Liceo L. da Vinci, Legambiente


Idea pitch

Italy is the custodian of the world's treasures. Treasures preserved in small unknown places. We intend to discover the tourist appeal of an area of southern Italy to stimulate the spirit of belonging of the resident population, thus attracting new investors and generating new economy. This could be done through the use of new technologies: virtual reconstructions of ancient sites, digitization of ancient handwritten documents and very rare printed books. Revive hidden or forgotten places.

Where will your project idea take place?

Alto Casertano, Campania Region, Southern Italy, along the Via Francigena

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Alto Casertano is a sparsely inhabited area, with large areas of high naturalistic value with regional parks; presence of two large karst areas (Matese lake and Letino lake) and numerous caves. Important archaeological sites and vestiges of medieval castles. The numerous ancient villages have preserved a characteristic and valuable urban layout, with mainly stone streets. Presence of a widespread and discreetly differentiated historical-cultural heritage, discreetly maintained and with high values. The territory is however characterized by phenomena of abandonment, especially for mountain small towns. The supply of basic and cultural services is scarce. The visit routes are not accessible to all but exclude the weaker sections of society that feel marginalized.

Who are you doing it for?

For over twenty years we have been involved in implementing Bottom Up participatory development processes. This Challenges 2020 project is aimed specifically at those excluded from the ordinary way of getting to know the area. Those who do not fully know the place where they live, their historical, artistic and religious heritage (not always accessible even by those who are part of the "groups with different abilities"), represents a serious limitation (which is combined with physical disability) .
This is a way to involve even skeptics, those who are firmly convinced that the tourist appeal is linked only to the urban context, to seaside or high mountain locations, it also involves those who do not believe in the strength of their territory.

How do you plan to get there?

Fundamental importance is the sharing of the work plan between the partners; definition of the characteristics of the ICT platform; check the available contents and those to be implemented; identification of cultural assets to be digitized with the involvement of residents; platform implementation and content implementation; communication plan for the promotion of activities; dissemination activities;
During the development of the project, the bottom-up approach is always the one that characterizes the LAG in its planning and design. There is continuous feedback that will be discussed with the Civic Europe staff for a better "tuning" of the processes.

What are the expected results?

One of the main changes that the project will determine will be the usability of the area by those who are unable to do so today. This will be associated with a better knowledge of the historical-artistic and monumental emergencies of the area, the creation of a tourist offer based on these components.
The knowledge of its own territory allows the local community, groups of people at risk of exclusion or characterized by uncomfortable situations to strengthen community bonds; to strengthen a system of relationships and relationships of mutual responsibility.
The involvement of students will represent an additional added value: from the knowledge of territory a new way of interfacing with it will be born and perhaps the creation of job opportunities to stay in these territories.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

All generations of the population of Alto Casertano need constant stimulation towards the sense of belonging to their land. This land must be protected and the community must be proud of being citizens of it. The communities of these areas, have always lived here and have built a piece of national history. Here, cohesion among the population is facilitated, but systematic work, repeated over time, is needed to encourage greater participation by citizens in decision-making processes. We believe that by intervening with ideas that bring the community closer to its territory, can help to develop a sense of belonging to the territory. Knowledge of the area can develop new forms of tourism to which all citizens are called to contribute.

Why is this idea important to you?

The strength of this idea is that it was born as a spin off of a project shared by other European LAGs (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal) which ideally connected rural areas with a single common thread: the creation of an art-history-faith path, where the LAGs have promoted hospitality, reception, landscape protection and territorial marketing actions. It is important for us because it fulfills our Mission and does it according to the European strategy, in a shared way and always with the logic of the bottom up (listening, ideation, comparison, planning, sharing)
Now there is the opportunity to put in place the great research work done by the various partners and to make sure that not only those who can move freely, but also people with disabilities make the path.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

A. Personnel (salaries and fees): staff costs: € 28.000,00
B. Travel and accommodation Costs : € 4.000,00
C. ITC Platform: € 15.000,00
D. Communication and Promotion (flyers print, design, web advertising, map printing): € 2.000,00
E. Other (administrative costs, office costs): 1.000,00

TOTAL EURO : € 50.000,00

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to share our idea with other ideas related to "Arts and cultural activities" which have just as "core" the cultural resources and the paths of faith. In this way, thanks to Civic Europe, the territory of Alto Casertano could rise to the end it deserves.




Fabio Brandi

Cinzia Brandi

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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