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Intercultural Summer Festival | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

Intercultural Summer Festival

Promoting an arts festival with young people of different cultures and ethnicities


Who is behind this?

Patrícia Silva

Oficinas do Mundo



Idea pitch

With art, I believe that we achieve miracles. Today's young people are people from world, not just young people from Portugal. So, they have to learn to respect cultures, religions, traditions, skin colors, statutes and for that, the best way to learn is through art. They are young, whereby they listen to music, dance, sing, paint, do acrobatics, practice sports and through these different forms of arts, we are able to show how other young people from the other side of the world do the same.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sintra Municipality: a mix of cultures, a concentration of nations.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

According to INE (National Institute of Statistics) (2013), Sintra is the second most populous municipality in Portugal and the third municipality with the highest percentage of young people: 7.6%. The foreign population represents 8.65% of the total population, that is, Sintra is an oasis of nations, a wealth of cultures.
Awakening community development and social inclusion in young people from Sintra through art is the best way to captivate interest in help and respect others.
An Arts Festival promoting a concentration of music, theater, dances, sports, acrobatics and other arts, coming from the various ethnicities that the municipality, represents a way to combat social exclusion, racism and intolerance among young people.

Who are you doing it for?

My target group will be young people between 14 and 30 years old. The Festival, although organized in Sintra, with the support of local associations, will count on the participation of young people from associative movements from various parts of the world who perform shows alluding to their country and their culture. It will be a Youth to Youth Festival, in which young people will be the main protagonists and the main beneficiaries. Of course, coordinated and supervised by leaders and specialists in non-formal education, with experience in field work with young people.
To be held in the municipality of Sintra, it will count on the help of local associative organizations, promoting local development and the active participation of citizens.

How do you plan to get there?

First of all, it is important to choose the place where the Festival will be held. Certainly, with the support of the Municipality of Sintra, one of the beautiful Sintra farms will be obtained to promote it.
Then it is important to establish partnerships with local entities, such as social, sports, recreational associations, public and private schools, Sintra City Council and the 11 Parish Councils of the municipality.
It is also important to establish partnerships between police authorities, public and private transport companies and the local and national media.
After this various meetings with invitations to partnerships and participation and mobilization of young people for the Festival, it is important to start structuring the program and defining the role of each partner.

What are the expected results?

A year from now, I will be establishing partnerships, organizing the event together with my partners, and I will work hard to spread this Intercultural Festival of Sintra to as many young people as I can. I will call for participation with brutal ideas, that promote different parts of the world, so that young people realize that cultural diversity is a wealth, not an obstacle to development.
That will be my success: to start changing young minds, to change ways of thinking and acting. Build little by little, participative young people, active citizens in the local development of their communities, taking advantage of the cultural wealth of the region and capturing ideals of human development. It is important to understand their individual abilities for the development of the common good.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

For a week, with the presentation of different musical shows, choreographies, songs, painting, exhibitions, it is intended to encourage tolerance, affection and respect for others, commitment to a friend of different race, color, culture or religion in young people.
The aim of this festival is to empower young people for equality, for active citizenship, for intercultural dialogue, but mainly for the defense of human rights.

Why is this idea important to you?

The “Oficinas do Mundo” project is being born and if I had the opportunity to implement this Intercultural Festival, it would be an asset, for all other projects planned.
Working with non-formal education in young people, through participation and human entrepreneurship is my life mission. To train young people for active citizenship, for respect others, for tolerance and understanding.
Adding the arts to this human entrepreneurship is in fact not a mission, but a vision that I have in my life.
The arts are the right channel for the young's people union.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Security: € 4,000
Promotion and comunications: € 2,000
Travel and accommodation: € 8,000
Sound services: € 10,000
Monitors: € 2,000
Cleaning: € 1,000
Shows: € 13.000
Administrative services: € 5,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Comments that rise up my ideas, ideas that evolve my project.
Constructive ideas, comments and criticisms


Patrícia Silva

Idea created on May 25, 2020

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