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Initiate | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development


Initiatives for Roma Inclusion


Who is behind this?

Radi Kurtev

Carpe Diem Association


Who is joining forces?

Sredets Municipality



Idea pitch

The main problem addressed by the project is linked to the big number of young Roma people in municipality of Sredets, who are not able to integrate in the labour market due to lack of qualification or motivation to study or work. The project envisages organization of 3 initiatives- Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship Initiative; Raising Motivation Initiative and Tolerance Initiative. The initiatives will contribute to the integration of Roma youths.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sredets Municipality, Bourgas Region, Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Sredets Municipality is a municipality in Burgas Province, Bulgaria. It includes the town of Sredets and surrounding villages with total number of 14 934 people. There is a big Roma minority living on the territory of the municipality. The main problem addressed by the project is the big number of NEETs among Roma youths on one hand and lack of tolerance of the representatives of business who are not willing to hire representatives of Roma minority. By organizing 3 initiatives in the field of design thinking and entrepreneurship, activation of NEETs and promoting tolerance the project activities will contribute to societal cohesion and promotion of democracy values and will ensure effective integration of Roma youths in socio-economic life.

Who are you doing it for?

The main target group is young Roma people between 18 and 29, who are not in education or training, not having a job and are lacking motivation to find one. The project activities will be implemented in Sredets Municipality, in the local communities of the representatives of the target group.
Indirect target groups are representatives of business in the region and local people, living in the city of Sredets and the surrounding villages. By organization of a campaign for promoting tolerance, local people and business will become more understanding and friendly to other cultures.

How do you plan to get there?

The project includes organization of three initiatives:
1. Design Thinking Initiative – a web site for self-training in the field of design thinking and entrepreneurship will be created;
2. Raising Motivation Initiative – video lessons for activation of young NEETs will be disseminated in the form video guide, providing information about the techniques for elaboration of CV, motivation letter how to find a job, etc.
3. Tolerance initiative – information campaign about the Roma culture aiming to develop tolerance in local community and to present attractive elements from the Roma culture. The campaign includes elaboration and dissemination of information materials – leaflets and posters, as well as organization of an exhibition of Roma culture.

What are the expected results?

The implementation of project activities will contribute to enriching knowledge and improving skills of young Roma representatives in the field of entrepreneurship, thus providing possibilities for them to start their own business initiatives. The elaborated video guide will stimulate them to start searching and applying for jobs, thus integrating in the labour market. The envisaged Tolerance initiative will promote understanding of different cultures and will contribute to the development of social cohesion. The activities will help Municipality of Sredets meet the needs of local vulnerable groups and integrate them in the social-economic life.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The activities include: creation of self-training website in the field of design thinking and entrepreneurship; video guide for NEETs with useful materials for preparation of CV, motivation letter and giving basic guidelines about how to find suitable job, how to act during a job interview; information campaign about Roma culture and organization of permanent exhibition on the topic. The activities will contribute to the better understanding of Roma minorities, and will make Roma youths more adaptive on the labour market, by providing them training instruments for starting their own business or finding suitable job.

Why is this idea important to you?

The socio- economic development of Bulgaria is not balanced. There are several big cities, where most of the population is concentrated because of the job opportunities and better life conditions. Other small cities and municipalities, such as Sredets, are not able to combat problems like poverty, social exclusion, education by themselves, due to the lack of enough qualified human resources and finance. The project idea would contribute to finding a solution to at least some of the problems of the municipality, regarding integration of Roma youths.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expences: 4000 EUR
Personnel costs: 6000 EUR
Elaboration and dissemination of leaflets and posters: 3000 EUR
Elaboration and dissemination of video guide: 10 000 EUR
Elaboration of design training and entrepreneurship self-training site: 8000 EUR
Elaboration of permanent photo exhibition of Roma culture: 5000 EUR
Public relations and events: 8000 EUR
Travel and accommodation: 1000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Advices regarding some additional actions, which would make the initiatives more effective.


Carpe Diem Association


Idea created on May 26, 2020

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