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Informal web development training for all | Civic Europe

Informal web development training for all

Informal web development training for disprivileged communities.


Who is behind this?

Eduardo d'Orey

Informal web development training for disprivileged communities



Idea pitch

Web development is a growing area. It has high degree of employability and is very useful in communication. The objective is to give informal training in the web development basic languages: HTML, CSS and Javascript, while also adressing design/image treatment applications.
The target group is young/adult people from poor communities in the suburbs of cities, who do not have access to formal training places, technology or lack the qualifications to attend formal training sessions

Where will your project idea take place?

Suburb of Paço de Arcos, City of Oeiras, Portugal

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

This is a low-income area peopled mainly by immigrants from portuguese former african colonies. It has high incidence of unemployment, substance abuse and marginalization.
Low level of school attendance and learning difficulties are prevalent due to low social and training oportunities.

Who are you doing it for?

This low-income area is peopled mainly by immigrants from portuguese former african colonies. It has high incidence of unemployment, substance abuse and marginalization. This area is characterised by low level of school attendance and lack of material means; learning difficulties are prevalent due to low social and training oportunities.
I plan to engage civic groups in the area, and I also expect engagement from the City Town Hall

How do you plan to get there?

Civic local groups will be engaged to present the idea to the community.
The trainers will also engage young people directly in public areas to propose the training.
This training is a low technology aproach so trainees will not need a computer: they will asked to download one app to begin coding. The study group will gather anywhere: in a room lent by a local civic group, in a cafe, in a park, in the street.
Training will be action and experience driven, without tests: trainees will learn by doing. They will be challenged because this trial and error aproach is a test of perseverence.
They will get the basic of webdeveloping languages to prepare them to learn by themselves: HTML first, then the CSS and Design: later, when trainees are ready, they will be introduced to Javascript.

What are the expected results?

I expect to contribute to the technological abilities of the community, and to motivate the young and the adults in getting more educacion.
I plan to create the context for people to learn new skills in web developing, design and image treatment applications and further their education.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Formal education does not reach everyone due to lack of access to formal training centers, social isolation, lack of technological equipment and lack of previous qualifications.
This project plans to bring the training to the community, to the street: it is maleable and adapted to the community and the people who live there. For this informal training, low level of technology is needed: only smartphones and web access.
Learning the basics of web development and webdesign will capacitate this population in modern technology and may be very useful in communication/networking and finding jobs/vocations in the area.
Oeiras is today interested in making this city a technological one, so public, private and civic groups engagement can be expected.

Why is this idea important to you?

I live in the area and I have experience in aproaching these communities.
I was founder and main trainer of a youth non-profit association ( now deactivated) that had the objective of giving acessible and adaptable training to low-income, isolated communities where drug use and crime is prevalent.

€ 5000,-

Total budget

€ 5000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

2000€ for each trainer (2 trainers at the minimum) as payment for their work, travel and accomodation during 3 months: over 200 hours of training are expected to happen).
500 € to fund technological needs of the public if needed.
200 € for training printed material, publicity and information.
300€ for unexpected needs.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I will need feedback from people who work in the same areas.




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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